Arjunata Silva - Ecovillage Co-Founder - Black Mountain, NC
"I'm in Hilton Head right now, recovering from a few days of the sniffles, a slightly runny nose, and no other symptoms.
It took me a couple of days to ask myself what I was going through that could have brought it on. I haven't had a cold in years!
Then I started thinking about the kind of feelings/challenges I could be having on this "writing retreat" with a person I don't always get along with, but with whom I wanted to do this project.
I had to do a lot of adjustment the first few days of the trip in order not to get caught up in my annoyances. I kept reaching for any memory about conflict shock related to the nasal passages.
But I somehow felt a sense of confidence that this was the root of my runny nose. As I got used to the idea that it was some form of a reaction to needing more space or feeling huffy, or something like that, the runny nose began to abate.
Today it's almost gone."
"I'm in Hilton Head right now, recovering from a few days of the sniffles, a slightly runny nose, and no other symptoms.
It took me a couple of days to ask myself what I was going through that could have brought it on. I haven't had a cold in years!
Then I started thinking about the kind of feelings/challenges I could be having on this "writing retreat" with a person I don't always get along with, but with whom I wanted to do this project.
I had to do a lot of adjustment the first few days of the trip in order not to get caught up in my annoyances. I kept reaching for any memory about conflict shock related to the nasal passages.
But I somehow felt a sense of confidence that this was the root of my runny nose. As I got used to the idea that it was some form of a reaction to needing more space or feeling huffy, or something like that, the runny nose began to abate.
Today it's almost gone."
"I have a story to share! As I've been learning GHk I've been sharing with the kids to reframe our thinking around healing symptoms, conflicts, etc. A couple weeks ago we were talking about how conflicts experienced in the womb can sometimes affect us for a long time, but if we understand what biological program is running, we can resolve the conflict, finish the biological program, and then leave it in the past.
My 11 year old has been increasingly sensitive about his short stature - he was firmly in the 60% percentile until maybe age 7 and then just stopped growing for a couple years - literally wore the same clothing for two years in a row! Fell below the 10th percentile in height. He was complaining one morning about how he was never going to grow and I told him he needed to give his body the confidence that it can grow...when it just popped into my head that all of this worry and ruminating about his height was a sign that he must be conflict active and that he must be running a biological program with the intended purpose of keeping him small.
No idea which one, as I still am so new to all of this! And then it was like a download straight from God - I told him he didn't want to grow when he was a teeny baby in the womb because he was safe there and he didn't know if he would be safe once he was born...he understood that his birthmom wanted to keep him there as long as possible but he didn't realize it was because she knew she would have to say goodbye as soon as he was born. To his little body and psyche, he interpreted it as "I need to grow as slowly as possible so I can stay in the womb longer!" He was even a week and a day late! He did not want to come out!
I told him that he didn't have to stay small anymore, that he was safe once he was born, with his family, and it was safe for him to grow big and tall and strong. He sat for a minute, muscle testing the ideas as he always does lol, and then told me yes that was exactly what happened! The relief in his face was immediate. Within a week I noticed his pants were shorter! These last few days he's started sleeping until almost noon (unheard of for this kid who is usually up by 7:30 at the latest), and I measured him and he's grown an inch and a quarter! Since our conversation two weeks ago!
It's absolutely amazing. I can't begin to tell you how life changing this learning has been! I'm still working through my own conflicts and health issues but these light bulb moments are so incredible that I had to share!"
"I have a story to share! As I've been learning GHk I've been sharing with the kids to reframe our thinking around healing symptoms, conflicts, etc. A couple weeks ago we were talking about how conflicts experienced in the womb can sometimes affect us for a long time, but if we understand what biological program is running, we can resolve the conflict, finish the biological program, and then leave it in the past.
My 11 year old has been increasingly sensitive about his short stature - he was firmly in the 60% percentile until maybe age 7 and then just stopped growing for a couple years - literally wore the same clothing for two years in a row! Fell below the 10th percentile in height. He was complaining one morning about how he was never going to grow and I told him he needed to give his body the confidence that it can grow...when it just popped into my head that all of this worry and ruminating about his height was a sign that he must be conflict active and that he must be running a biological program with the intended purpose of keeping him small.
No idea which one, as I still am so new to all of this! And then it was like a download straight from God - I told him he didn't want to grow when he was a teeny baby in the womb because he was safe there and he didn't know if he would be safe once he was born...he understood that his birthmom wanted to keep him there as long as possible but he didn't realize it was because she knew she would have to say goodbye as soon as he was born. To his little body and psyche, he interpreted it as "I need to grow as slowly as possible so I can stay in the womb longer!" He was even a week and a day late! He did not want to come out!
I told him that he didn't have to stay small anymore, that he was safe once he was born, with his family, and it was safe for him to grow big and tall and strong. He sat for a minute, muscle testing the ideas as he always does lol, and then told me yes that was exactly what happened! The relief in his face was immediate. Within a week I noticed his pants were shorter! These last few days he's started sleeping until almost noon (unheard of for this kid who is usually up by 7:30 at the latest), and I measured him and he's grown an inch and a quarter! Since our conversation two weeks ago!
It's absolutely amazing. I can't begin to tell you how life changing this learning has been! I'm still working through my own conflicts and health issues but these light bulb moments are so incredible that I had to share!"
Jessica Idleman - BCHN™, NTP - St. Louis, MO
"Within the first couple of weeks of discovering GHK I was able to understand 20+ years of chronic constipation, pelvic floor dysfunction, and intermittent sleep apnea.
I had a "rediscovery" and understood that the indigestion that was going on was not just the morsel conflict, it was my nervous system response and pattern for handling certain things. Immediately it resolved. Seven years of pelvic floor issues, resolved within a week.
I have not had pain in this region for months since I made the connection to the biological program. And now when I wake up in the middle night, several nights in a row, sometimes sweating, I realize I resolved a conflict and can be at peace knowing I am in flow. It's amazing!"
"Within the first couple of weeks of discovering GHK I was able to understand 20+ years of chronic constipation, pelvic floor dysfunction, and intermittent sleep apnea.
I had a "rediscovery" and understood that the indigestion that was going on was not just the morsel conflict, it was my nervous system response and pattern for handling certain things. Immediately it resolved. Seven years of pelvic floor issues, resolved within a week.
I have not had pain in this region for months since I made the connection to the biological program. And now when I wake up in the middle night, several nights in a row, sometimes sweating, I realize I resolved a conflict and can be at peace knowing I am in flow. It's amazing!"
Wynde Kate Reese - HHP Jay, NY
"I was able to heal something in my life that was triggering monthly migraines for the past 5 years.
I haven't had a migraine in more than a year now. I don't know exactly what the conflict was, since I healed the track before beginning this course, but I was using what I knew about GNM to work through it.
However, before this course, I didn't know which phase the migraine was occuring in.
Now I know that it happens in the epicrisis and why. This is helpful for my understanding about what's happening in my body."
"I was able to heal something in my life that was triggering monthly migraines for the past 5 years.
I haven't had a migraine in more than a year now. I don't know exactly what the conflict was, since I healed the track before beginning this course, but I was using what I knew about GNM to work through it.
However, before this course, I didn't know which phase the migraine was occuring in.
Now I know that it happens in the epicrisis and why. This is helpful for my understanding about what's happening in my body."
Veronica Garnett - Student
"About a month ago, I was coughing a lot when I came from work, either after I ate, or as I lay down to fall asleep.
I couldn't think of anything that was scaring me. In fact, my life seemed more peaceful than usual.
Then as I was driving home one night, I felt my body getting tense and nervous.
I was about to drive through an area of road construction.
There was road construction in this section of the freeway every night, and every night the cones that guided the cars and the excessively bright lights were in different places.
I never knew if a daredevil driver with blinding headlights would be tailgating me as I slowly made my way around the cones.
When I realized how scared I actually felt, I began to affirm to myself, as I drove, that I had kept myself safe many times during road construction in the dark, in the past, and that I was completely capable of doing it now.
When I successfully navigated through the construction, I congratulated myself, affirming my psyche's, brain's and organ's ability to keep me safe.
I also noted that I was healthy and whole and safely on my way home.
I do this every night, now, as I drive through the construction zones.
The coughing has stopped!"
"About a month ago, I was coughing a lot when I came from work, either after I ate, or as I lay down to fall asleep.
I couldn't think of anything that was scaring me. In fact, my life seemed more peaceful than usual.
Then as I was driving home one night, I felt my body getting tense and nervous.
I was about to drive through an area of road construction.
There was road construction in this section of the freeway every night, and every night the cones that guided the cars and the excessively bright lights were in different places.
I never knew if a daredevil driver with blinding headlights would be tailgating me as I slowly made my way around the cones.
When I realized how scared I actually felt, I began to affirm to myself, as I drove, that I had kept myself safe many times during road construction in the dark, in the past, and that I was completely capable of doing it now.
When I successfully navigated through the construction, I congratulated myself, affirming my psyche's, brain's and organ's ability to keep me safe.
I also noted that I was healthy and whole and safely on my way home.
I do this every night, now, as I drive through the construction zones.
The coughing has stopped!"
Kaylin Delisle - Oklahoma
"My sister has made huge strides in her healing!
She is very open to alternative ways of bringing her body into balance and is willing to talk through the questions I ask her from the book.
She has noticed many changes in her body and is so excited to continue to get better.
She recently had a follow up with her doctor for cervical cancer, and she was given a clean bill of health. No surgeries! "
"My sister has made huge strides in her healing!
She is very open to alternative ways of bringing her body into balance and is willing to talk through the questions I ask her from the book.
She has noticed many changes in her body and is so excited to continue to get better.
She recently had a follow up with her doctor for cervical cancer, and she was given a clean bill of health. No surgeries! "
Sandra Hauch - Coach for Wellbeing - Ottawa Ontario Canada
"I have made significant progress on a hanging healing of my low back issue!
There were times in the past years when my back would “go out” and the pain was debilitating where I would be out of commission for about 5 days. Over those 5 days I would rest, in order to sleep I would take an over the counter pain killer as needed and sometimes anti-inflammatory. I started to learn GNM in 2014, and made progress with this issue in 2017 and 2018 with a GNM Practitioner.
I trust the GHk/GNM knowledge and continue to study and practice. This gives me strength and comfort to trust my body.
Read more here.
"I have made significant progress on a hanging healing of my low back issue!
There were times in the past years when my back would “go out” and the pain was debilitating where I would be out of commission for about 5 days. Over those 5 days I would rest, in order to sleep I would take an over the counter pain killer as needed and sometimes anti-inflammatory. I started to learn GNM in 2014, and made progress with this issue in 2017 and 2018 with a GNM Practitioner.
I trust the GHk/GNM knowledge and continue to study and practice. This gives me strength and comfort to trust my body.
Read more here.