Please share these resources with your friends.
I created this page of resources because, let's face it: we need a lot more knowledge about "viruses," COVID19 testing, origins, etc.
If you are a scientist or researcher or knowledgeable GNM enthusiast, and have information that would be appropriate for this page, please email me.
A letter written to the world on March 22, 2020 by Dr. Hamer's closest colleague for 30 years, Andree Sixt.
Andree Sixt and Dr. Hamer |
Dr. Hamer and Giovanna Conti
A letter written to the world on March 19, 2020 by Dr. Hamer's friend, student, and fellow musician, Giovanna Conti, who discovered that music also follows the two phase pattern Dr. Hamer discovered which is rooted in nature.
Want to take action?
What follows is NOT GNM.
Instead, it is research that - in part - supports
Dr. Hamer's Five Biological Laws.
There are parts of each of these that do NOT follow GNM
and I just want to be sure you are aware of that.
Dr. Hamer's Five Biological Laws.
There are parts of each of these that do NOT follow GNM
and I just want to be sure you are aware of that.
Excellent and accurate resources for N. American citizens:
David Miller's powerpoint entitled: "Follow the Patents: they will take you to the money"
A "must see" for everyone who is curious WHY the world has changed due to a supposed "virus."
Click here
A "must see" for everyone who is curious WHY the world has changed due to a supposed "virus."
Click here
States"No Jab For Me"
At the right is a pdf of their website, just in case it gets censored and taken down. Their website is: |
Do Lockdowns Work?
By Will Jones, Wed, April 21, 2021
In the chart above I have used data from Worldometer to plot the current total Covid deaths per million for each state. I have coloured the 11 states which did not lock down (i.e., impose a stay-at-home order) this winter in red. I have also calculated the average for the two groups of states, those which did not lock down over the winter and those which did, and coloured them in yellow.
As you can see, states which did not lock down over the winter, far from having many times more Covid deaths, have actually had fewer – 1,671 vs 1,736 deaths per million.
There may be demographic or other reasons that some states have a higher or lower number of deaths than others so we shouldn’t read too much into the precise differences.
But even so, if lockdowns are supposed to suppress the virus to low levels and thus prevent ‘hundreds of thousands’ of deaths (or the population equivalent), then how is this possible? The only conclusion is that lockdowns do not work as intended and do not suppress the virus.
This conclusion is reinforced by looking at the death tolls in the four states which imposed no restrictions at all over the winter, the average of which is 1,716 deaths per million, which is still below that of those which imposed lockdowns (1,736).
Florida reopened in the autumn, Georgia and South Carolina in the spring of 2020, and South Dakota never closed. Yet overall they have suffered fewer Covid deaths per million than the states which imposed stay-at-home lockdowns this winter.
In the chart above I have used data from Worldometer to plot the current total Covid deaths per million for each state. I have coloured the 11 states which did not lock down (i.e., impose a stay-at-home order) this winter in red. I have also calculated the average for the two groups of states, those which did not lock down over the winter and those which did, and coloured them in yellow.
As you can see, states which did not lock down over the winter, far from having many times more Covid deaths, have actually had fewer – 1,671 vs 1,736 deaths per million.
There may be demographic or other reasons that some states have a higher or lower number of deaths than others so we shouldn’t read too much into the precise differences.
But even so, if lockdowns are supposed to suppress the virus to low levels and thus prevent ‘hundreds of thousands’ of deaths (or the population equivalent), then how is this possible? The only conclusion is that lockdowns do not work as intended and do not suppress the virus.
This conclusion is reinforced by looking at the death tolls in the four states which imposed no restrictions at all over the winter, the average of which is 1,716 deaths per million, which is still below that of those which imposed lockdowns (1,736).
Florida reopened in the autumn, Georgia and South Carolina in the spring of 2020, and South Dakota never closed. Yet overall they have suffered fewer Covid deaths per million than the states which imposed stay-at-home lockdowns this winter.
A creative video to remind us to wake up. |
Dr. Charles Hoffe, A Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells
Incredibly important information from a physician who was puzzled about why his patients had blood vessel issues and blood clots after receiving the "covid" jab.
Important Information from a Trusted American Physician, Dr. Christiane Northrup
re: Vaccine
The Side Effects of the Genetic Vaccine
This next video is valuable information about the political nature of this supposed "pandemic."
Dismantling the Virus Theory
The “measles virus” as an example Dr. Stefan Lanka |