I had a fabulous time attending the NANP (Nat'l Asso. of Nutrition Professionals) conference in Tucson, AZ. I conducted a full-day, pre-conference workshop to an awesome group of nutrition professionals; they all "got" GNM big time! I think I can accurately say that lives were changed that day, forever. The next two days were filled with the conference: networking, attending lectures, making new friends, meeting lots of new people, and eating great food! I had a spot at the New Human vendor table. This is a company that makes a non-cognitive Bionetic device that assists chiropractors, naturopathic, and other wellness practitioners in measuring and mapping the flow of their patient's energy. The best part (for me) is that they incorporate German New Medicine into each scan along with Traditional Chinese Medicine. They were scanning people all day long!! And did I mention the incredibly nutritious, delicious food? I did manage to see some of nature outside the hotel. I did a hike at 7:00 am before it got too hot. I've never been in a desert before so seeing cactus the size of trees was a new experience! ![]() If you are a nutritionist, you definitely want to check out this conference next year. I've attended many, many wellness conferences since the mid 1990's and I will say this was one of the best. It was very well organized and the attendees were really ready for the next level of information. They soaked up all the info in the lectures like sponges. If you missed it and are a member, you can get CEU's for my Beyond Holistic Medicine course, online! NANP really IS setting the standard for holistic nutrition!!
I've seen people react to the knowledge of the Five Biological Laws of German New Medicine with several responses:
Many people, regardless of their initial reaction, have little (or big) lightbulbs go off in their heads when they learn the Five Biological Laws and they intuitively "know" these are true, even though their intellect hasn't quite caught up with their gut feeling. In my view: all responses are absolutely valid and worthy, even the person who adamantly opposes any and all of it. Why? Because belief isn't required. The Five Biological Laws have existed since time began without our belief and they will continue to exist when we are dead and gone whether we believe them or not. They are biological like having two feet or a digestive system. ![]() The World Is Flat, right? It's a little like thinking the world is flat. Imagine you believe this with all your heart. Then you start hearing that some people question that belief and you think: What is wrong with these people? Are they crazy? Don't they know the world is flat? And yet these other people produce more and more evidence and conduct more and more experiments that show some pretty darned convincing evidence that the world really is round. You know other people - maybe even family members - that are beginning to believe the world is round. What do you do then? ![]() Open Your Belief Box You can certainly continue to believe the world is flat. If it works for you, then... it works for you. The earth won't stop being round because you don't believe it just like your body won't stop running GNM programs just because you don't believe in them. On the other hand, you could also choose to open your "Belief Box" - the one that contains all the beliefs that create YOUR reality. Open one little door, or a window, if that feels safer, and begin to explore a new truth. It is all about choice and in my belief system, YOU have the final say in your life. You can decide what and who to believe. As Mr. Spock of Star Trek used to say: "Infinite Diversity In Infinite Combinations" - which means there are lots of thoughts and beliefs and ways of being and this abundance of differences is what makes the world go round. A Gift from GNM I am one of those people who intuitively knew GNM was accurate and correct when I first learned it yet I'm also a healthy skeptic so I had to test it over and over and over again. If it was true, I needed proof. Fortunately, after working with hundreds of people, I have total and complete evidence and proof in my own mind. I would be an utter fool to not believe what I have seen with my own eyes. One of the largest gifts I have received from the knowledge of GNM has been the elimination of fear about my body. I know the cause behind every single ache, pain, and "sickness" that I have had in my life. Because of this, I have few aches, pains, and sicknesses because I know how to live my life in such a way so they are minimal. How do I do this? Or: The Belief Traps One of the most helpful beliefs I have and tools I use is that I endeavor to live in the present moment - not tied to the past or the future by fear. Yet it seems as though most people don't live like this, especially in regards to their bodies. ![]() Fear Wastes Energy I've noticed that many people put a great deal of energy into trying to avoid future diseases, sometimes because of past diseases. They worry greatly about past "illnesses" resurfacing. They'll avoid people who are "sick" thinking they might catch the sickness. They won't go out in public as frequently and if they do, they wear gloves or wash their hands after touching something, anything. ![]() Allergic to The World And they are sometimes "allergic" to vast parts of the world (the air, the soil, many foods, etc). They bop from doctor to doctor and from alternative practitioner to alternative practitioner spending their life savings seeking THE answer. They'll make some gains with that new practitioner they're seeing and then, unbelievably, their health backslides. And often their world gets smaller and smaller: less food choices, fewer products in which to clean their home, fewer people with whom they will associate and fewer activities in which they will engage. All the while they keep cleansing and detoxing thinking if they could just get this one thing OUT of their bodies: they would be fine. They often become their own victims due to their shrinking world, stuck in belief traps. Perpetuating Belief Traps I believe that our current medical theories such as the germ theory, the toxin theory, the malignant & metastasis theories all perpetuate belief traps and, by default, increase this phenomenon of shrinking circumstances. And, yes, everyone comes by this fear naturally since our schools, media, advertising, and certainly what we learn from our healthcare professionals all perpetuate these traps. But it doesn't mean we have to continue having these theories and thus, these traps in our lives. Yes, we CAN get off that perpetual hamster wheel of fear. What GNM Can Give You So, in my mind, it comes back to choices and it comes down to trust. ![]() GNM gives us the knowledge to understand how our past and present conflicts affect our physical bodies. It gives us self-empowering knowledge to know ourselves, what makes us tick, what triggers us, and what to do about it, altho, because we're not brought up with GNM, we sometimes need help at figuring out the "what do I do about this?" part. It gives us the ability to safely make different choices in how we live our lives, to break the hold the past - and future - may have on us, to decide what to use of our current medical system and what to discard. And for many people, changing beliefs like this often entails a journey. If we've lived with the destructive (safe) walls of allopathic beliefs all of our lives, or with the cleansing/detoxing/dairy/gluten alternative beliefs that often help for a while (until they don't), then moving beyond these destructive (safe) and/or alternative walls takes courage and conviction. For some more than others. ![]() What is that definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, right? Needing to find answers beyond what our allopathic and holistic, alternative practitioners can tell us is often what initiates the journey towards German New Medicine. And truly, you have to be ready for this journey. My Journey....My Anchor GNM can give us the science, and yes, the irrefutable proof our minds (and psyches) often need so we can have a new Belief Box. It certainly gave me an anchor of truth to explore which I eventually, and easily, adopted. I now have the knowledge to:
I'm sure there are other gifts I have received and will receive in the future from GNM. Since I'm always learning more, and I'm always testing it, I gain new knowledge and experience regularly. ![]() The Foundation of NOW It's about having a different foundation so we understand better what is happening in our bodies and thus, we can zero right in on what our bodies may need for support, if anything. It's about living in the present, and being free from fear so we can enjoy the "now" because, truly, the present moment is all we ever have. Won't you join me? By Andi Locke Mears When I had my wellness center, I wore many hats: herbalist, nutritionist, homeopath, colon hydrotherapist, along with marketer, customer service specialist, and toilet bowl cleaner.
If you’re also a solo practitioner or in a small office, you probably also wear many hats. The heart and soul of my practice was to offer people alternatives for reaching their wellness goals and I found myself getting certification after certification so I could gain the knowledge I needed to help more and more people. And every certification meant time away from my center and money out of my pocket for the course and for travel expenses. I also put a lot of time into networking by meeting with energy healers, hypnotherapists, physicians, etc. so I could refer to people I knew and trusted. And there is a limit to all that. At least, there was for me since I still haven’t figured out how to be in two places at once. I’m working on it, tho….. This all changed when I learned the Five Biological Laws of German New Medicine. I no longer had to keep searching. All of the answers I needed to help my clients were now at my fingertips because I finally understood how to “read” the body, how to interpret and know without a shadow of a doubt, what exactly, was occurring in my clients and why. Learning GNM is like getting a secret Magic Decoder Ring……that really works.
I began using GNM immediately upon learning the basics even though I didn’t fully understand them. And still, they always pointed me to the information my client needed to understand their symptoms and what to do about them. It was the greatest gift I could have received. I learned to reframe all of my prior experience, education, and trainings. Yes, I still used all of it – herbal medicine, homeopathy, cleansing/detoxing, nutrition, etc. however I learned how to use them to be more effective to get better results for my clients. I’ve had the pleasure to witness:
To any practitioner considering learning the Five Biological Laws, I say this:
For more information on programs and courses to learn GNM, please visit: www.biohealthworksinstitute.com. |