As always, you can listen to this as a podcast, watch it as a video on YouTube, or read the transcription or the blog. First, I want to say to those in the black and brown communities that my heart is with you. I know you carry an extra burden because our systems & policies disenfranchise you based on the color of your skin. Through no fault of your own you will disproportionately experience systemic injustice and prejudice that can put us on completely different paths. For example:
Our DNA The thing I want us to remember is that all humans are linked by our DNA. Genetically, we are all 99.5% identical. This means we differ by only .5% which is half of 1%. Our biological processes are 100% identical regardless of this .5% difference. What do I mean by biological processes? It’s our hardwiring. Dr. Hamer, over 35 years ago, proved that we are all identically hardwired for survival. – all of us, no matter the color of our skin. In other words, we ARE more alike than we realize. IT is time we stand up and not only remember this but remind our neighbors of this and treat others knowing they are more like us than not. And we must dismantle the systems that say otherwise. That being said, the experience we have as humans because of the color of our skin affects us disproportionately especially with our health and this is what I want to discuss today. Let’s look at how this disparity of experience affect the health of black and brown people vs white people from a GNM perspective. And a caveat: none of this is blaming People of Color. It is a call to action for all of us to do better – to be better – so everyone’s health improves. What is heart disease, really?? I researched the top causes of death filtered by race. The first thing that pops up is the disparity with heart disease. Heart disease has been one of our leading causes of death for all skin colors for many years although it is declining. According to the American Heart Association, 33% more blacks than whites will die from heart disease. To discover why from a GNM perspective we need to first look at terminology. When modern medicine refers to “cardiovascular disease,” they are referring to the disease of the heart OR the blood vessels. Dr. Hamer discovered these are each different biological programs AND not only that but that each part of the heart has its own individual biological program. GNM is very, very precise. There is a different program for the myocardium ventricles, the heart atria, for the endocardium and heart valves, for the pericardium, for the coronary arteries, for the coronary veins, for the aorta, carotid arteries and subclavian arteries and for the carotid sinus. This means we have 8 potential biological programs for what allopathic medicine calls “heart disease or cardiovascular disease.” Contributing Factors….Not Risk Factors When allopathic medicine mentions heart disease, they immediately follow it with what they call “risk factors” such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption. They say these are the reasons we have heart disease. Let me be clear. From a GNM perspective, these do cause heart disease, per se. High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are separate biological programs. An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption are what we would call contributing factors rather than risk factors. Risk factors supposedly increase the possibility of disease while contributing factors more accurately have the potential to weaken the body so we are more apt to have the conflict shocks that start the biological programs. Just a small but very important detail there. Let’s look at each of these to see what all these symptoms and quote “risk factors” - have to do with heart disease, and statistically why more People of Color have these symptoms – and more heart disease - than whites. High Blood Pressure We’ll start with high blood pressure. The prevalence of high blood pressure in African Americans is the highest in the world. Not only is high blood pressure more severe in blacks than whites, it also develops earlier in life. Please remember this; we will come back to it. From a GNM view, there are three biological programs that have HBP – these are the kidney parenchyma program which is a water or fluid conflict, the myocardium/ heart ventricles – which is a biological program of feeling overwhelmed or having lots of negative stress, and the adrenal medulla program which is unbearable and intense stress. Also add to this that you can have HBP in ANY intense conflict active phase and any Epi-Crisis. Even though HBP has these 5 possible causes from a GNM perspective, the program that is best associated with what we would call traditional heart disease is the myocardium/ventricle program which I’ve already mentioned as an overwhelm conflict – it’s a negative stress overload. There can be an irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath in the conflict active phase along with high blood pressure and lung edema and peripheral edema such as swollen ankles and legs. All of this is termed “heart failure” and it takes place in the conflict active phase with either a hanging conflict active phase or a hanging healing phase. The hanging phases can last for years and the symptoms that occur with each become chronic conditions. The epicrisis for this program is a myocardial heart attack. Incidently, anyone diagnosed with sleep apnea has many, many tiny myocardial heart attacks every night. This is different from the coronary artery program when there is angina in the conflict active phase and a coronary artery heart attack in the epi-crisis. Different program. With the myocardiam/ventricle program, people are often conflict active or in a hanging healing for years. Diabetes What is diabetes? From a GNM view, this is a biological program that involves the alpha and beta islet cells of the pancreas. For males, it’s a resistance conflict – they resist something in their lives and for women it’s a fear-disgust conflict. That means something that is scary and awful. Obesity What is Obesity? That’s either a self-devaluation conflict – feeling less than, feeling inferior – or the Kidney Collecting Tubule program which is feeling abandoned, isolated, ostracized, excluded. Obesity can also be both a self-devaluation, feeling less than AND feeling abandoned or excluded. Unhealthy Diet Next are the contributing factors that have a different effect on our bodies than what we have been lead to believe such as having an unhealthy diet. Does an unhealthy diet cause heart disease? No. Only a few specific biological programs lead to this. You can live on junk food all your life and you never experience the symptoms of heart disease. However, if we eat predominantly food that is processed, or filled with chemicals, or is GMO, or is denatured, etc. it just doesn’t supply our body with proper energy. And energy is what we need to make it through our healing phases, thus, our vital energy is weaker. This isn’t healthy. We want to eat organic, whole foods as much as possible because these foods give us more energy and thus, more support in healing phases. We’ll also experience fewer conflict shocks if our bodies have strong, vital energy. Lack of Exercise Next is lack of exercise. What does exercise do from a GNM perspective? It keeps our muscles, our tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue strong and pliable. It keeps our organs in place. This keeps us stronger and the stronger we are, the greater is our ability to make it through an expected healing phase without complications. Excessive Alcohol Lastly, we have excessive alcohol. This is pretty self-explanatory, I hope. It’s a substance that weakens us; it certainly weakens the liver. The weaker we are, the more susceptible we are to conflict shocks and more complicated healing phases. Tying this up with People of Color How does this all tie in to the disproportionate number of deaths of People of Color from heart disease? Inherent racism and implicit bias has existed in America since the first slave ship arrived here over 400 years ago and it still exists in America today. Our country was built upon it. Our state and federal governments, our law enforcement, healthcare and social services systems, our schools and universities, our Fortune 500 companies, and even where grocery stores are located – all of it was set up with inherent racism and implicit bias. Here is the crux of this episode: People of Color in America are more apt to experience biological conflict shocks of resistance and fear-disgust such as being passed over for promotions, or being shot while jogging, of losing friends to police violence. I would be resistant, too. This is diabetes. People of Color in America are more apt to feel inferior and less than and also feel abandoned by the systems that are supposed to protect us - this sets People of Color up for self-devaluation conflicts and Kidney Collecting Tubule programs which lead to the conflict shocks and biological programs that lead to obesity. Due to systemic biases against People of Color, it’s harder to find a good paying or living wage job and, thus, to make the money it takes to put healthy whole food on the table. Like I mentioned, living on denatured food weakens the body which means which means we’ll experience more conflict shocks and healing phases may be more complicated to get through. Many People of Color lack the resources and the community structures that support exercise to keep their bodies strong. And then alcohol might be used as a way to cope. Because of all of these systemic racially biased and inequitable realities, People of Color potentially experience the biological program of being overwhelmed which is high blood pressure. Remember I said we’d come back to this? Here it is. People of Color in America potentially experience the conflict shock of having a negative stress overload at a higher rate than whites and at an earlier age which means they start the myocardium program, in greater numbers and at an earlier age. After years – decades even – of being stuck in either a hanging conflict – which is “heart failure” or a hanging healing which is also either heart failure, or sleep apnea, or a myocardium heart attack, their bodies weaken so much that they can’t survive. This is why more People of Color die from heart disease. Call to Action I am ashamed. The entire system developed by whites is meant to keep People of Color marginalized and that is obvious from the conflicts they experience. The body doesn’t lie. Because of GNM, we know what begins every single disease and the systems in America are definitely set up to favor some over others. To every white person listening to this and watching this: we must do better. .5% is NOT enough to divide us. Here is our Call to Action. My personal and professional goal is to create a world where everyone knows GNM – where children are brought up knowing from an early age when they are conflict active and they are learning how to downgrade this themselves, so their healing phases are minimal. Imagine if we had a world where everyone knew this information from a young age – no matter the color of their skin – so everyone could have more control over their lives AND their health. We are already united in our DNA and in our hardwiring. Now it’s time to create equity in our systems so everyone has the same choices and chances and knowledge. Black Lives Matter. Please join me in the work of recreating our systems so that everyone of all colors will be embraced. We know that less than 1% of our DNA is different. In the core of our being is the truth that we are all one and I believe we are connected in ways we aren’t even yet aware. Please join me: share this episode with someone who looks different than you. Preferably, share this episode with someone who has a different skin tone than you do. Thank you for joining me, In Health, Andi
You can listen to this as a podcast or watch a video of this episode. New Paradigm In this post, I'm sharing with you the basics of German New Medicine. Have you ever heard of it? Many have not in the US. It’s more well-known in Europe, however, it's definitely starting to grow here in the United States. My goal is simply to get you thinking about your health, your wellness and about your belief systems because those play a big part in how we look at the symptoms we have and the choices we make. German New Medicine is an entirely new paradigm about your symptoms and your diseases, why you have them, how you got them, what their natural progression is, and how they will naturally resolve. Let me say right up front: This isn’t information you're going to get from a healthcare provider or even a holistic health practitioner. But, if you're open to learning outside the box, then I think this info will be intriguing. Personally, I think healthcare in America is broken. Raise your hand if you agree. I think it's built around an incorrect model and I think there's a lot of companies that make people sick and keep them sick for profit. For me, that doesn't work. To me, that has to change because it's not sustainable. One way that we can change that is to educate ourselves about what's really going on in our bodies. Americans are Sicker The World Health Organization says that Americans are sicker than most of the developed world, and we spend a lot more money on healthcare than our counterparts in other countries. Why is that? Again, it comes back to sickness for profit in our country.
Education is Important So let's educate ourselves and one way to do that is by learning the life's work discoveries of one German physician. His name is Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, and I'm going to tell you his story. This story starts in 1978. Dr Hamer is a traditionally trained physician, lives in Germany. One day he gets a phone call that his teenage son, Dirk, had been accidentally shot while he was on vacation. Four months later, Dirk died in his arms and shortly after that, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Now he's a smart guy, and he started to think, okay, I've got this trauma and now I've got this cancer, but there's got to be a correlation here. He's not going to body, mind, spirit like you and I might. He's not thinking, "Oh my gosh, I had trauma and now I have symptoms. Of course that makes sense," especially if you've studied Louise Hay.... you totally get that. Not. He's a traditionally trained physician. I imagine that would have been emotional woowoo for him, so he's not thinking that. The Brain as the Cause of Disease After he had surgery, he started to look at the brain as the cause of disease. He was starting to think, "Okay, something's going on in the body. I've got to figure this out. It has to do with trauma. I'm going to look at the brain." No one had ever looked at the brain as the cause of disease before. He was now working at the University of Munich and he was the head internist in their cancer area. For the previous 10 years, CT scans had been on the rise. Hospitals were starting to use them more and more. He decided to take CT scans of all his patients. Why not? Right? CT Scans Reveal He discovered that every single one of his patients, including himself, had a circle, a lesion, a targeted ring formation in their brain in different locations. Well, what the heck was that? He contacted the company that made the CT equipment and they said, "Oh, you know, it's nothing. It's just an artifact." He started to think there was something to this so he started talking with his patients. What had gone on in their life prior to their diagnosis? A Big Clue As it turns out, every single one of them had had some sort of trauma or distressing event. Hmmm. He thought he was onto something because he, too, had had trauma prior to his diagnosis. He started to correlate all this information, their medical histories, their brain CT scans, all the stuff that had gone on in their life and he started to see a pattern, and this is where it gets super fascinating. OMG! He started to realize that everyone with the same kind of trauma had this circle in the same place in the brain, and they all had the same diagnosis of cancer. Okay, so take a deep breath. I'm going to say this one more time because it is big. Everyone in the cancer clinic at the University of Munich with the circle in the same area of the brain had all experienced the same kind of emotional trauma or distressing event, and they all had the same cancer. There were no exceptions to this. It was true in 100% of them. Modern Medicine Today Let's look at modern medicine today. What do we have that would be considered 100% true? Do all smokers get lung cancer? Well, no they don't. The Journal of Theoretics says that if there is one exception, that it isn't true. So because not everyone who smokes gets cancer, smoking is not a cause of cancer. Again, what I'm teaching you is an entirely new paradigm. It's a new perspective on what's going on in our body. New Paradigm What's a paradigm? It's a model. It's a view of something. So think of gravity. I think we all believe in the paradigm of gravity, at least. I think we do. Scientists have researched it. They figured out what it is. They can measure it, and even though we can't see it, we can see the effects of it. We know that if you drop a pen right, it's going to go down. It's not going to go up. Gravity is a paradigm that we all believe; we have all cognized it. What, in allopathic medicine and modern medicine, do we all believe? Well, truly the beliefs that we've grown up with are theories, and they're not true 100% of the time, which means there's something else at play here. Germs Cause Disease, right? We have been led to believe that germs cause disease. So, do you always get a cold if you were just around somebody who had a cold? If you just breathe the air, they were breathing? No. We've also been led to believe that our cells will suddenly go rogue and travel through the blood and maybe the lymph. They don't really know how they get to other parts of the body and cause what they call, “metastasized cancer.” So why isn't donated blood tested for cancer? I checked it out. It's not. Heart Attacks What about heart attacks? They say it's from clogged arteries, from cholesterol, and new studies show that millions of people with existing heart disease have clean coronary arteries. Okay, so do studies show that the higher your cholesterol, the more susceptible you are to heart disease? No. In fact, the opposite is true. The higher your cholesterol, the longer you live. Again, it's a theory. It's not 100% true for all living beings so obviously Dr. Hamer's discoveries are very contrary to what we now have. And I imagine as a traditionally trained physician, his mind was probably boggled. "Oh my gosh, this is nothing like what I was taught in med school. What is going on here? What have I discovered and who the heck is ever going to believe me?" The Cause of Every Disease He spent years correlating the CT scans he was looking at with the medical histories, and he was able to figure out the cause of every disease that we have. He discovered the cause of every symptom. It's no longer a mystery why one person is diagnosed with one disease and another person is diagnosed with a different disease. The Conflict Shock The premise of Dr. Hamer's work as that he discovered that every single disease starts with what he called a conflict shock. What is a conflict shock? It’s something that you were unaware of. It caught you unexpectedly. It was a shock to your system. What he says is that it's a shock to your psyche. The Psyche What is the psyche? It's not the Freudian definition of psyche, which involves the id, ego, super ego. It's not like that. This is Dr. Hamer's definition of the psyche and he is a physician so his definition is that the psyche is our nervous system, our brain, and our five senses. Our five senses are how we perceive the world around us. We hear it, we see it, we touch it, we smell it right? Our psyche, brain, and nervous system are all impacted at the moment of a conflict shock. And because it's unexpected, and we are hard wired for survival. our psyche then says, "Uh Oh, this is unexpected. We have to mobilize all the forces here in this body to make sure we're going to be safe, to make it through this issue." So changes occur in the body. Physiological changes. Think of the last time you were really stressed out. You could probably feel that your heart might have been pumping, your brain was busy processing the stressful events, and you were just stressed. Your blood was being shunted to your muscles because you were now running from that saber tooth tiger. Even though that saber tooth tiger might've been your boss who just piled a load of work on you in front of everyone and dressed you down and you felt about this tall, about an inch tall. What you know is that you're upset and when you're upset, you know it, you're focused on the issue. You're mulling it over in your brain. You're rehashing the events and figuring out different scenarios. You're trying to make sense of it, or maybe you're plotting your revenge. I don't know. The moment that this happens, there is a circle that appears in our brain at that moment of that conflict shock. Survival Mechanism Turns On Our psyche then turns on a program and this program is because we are hardwired for survival. The program makes physiological changes occur in the body to help us survive. It’s a survival mechanism. There are survival mechanisms all throughout nature. They're all around us. Think of plants. Roses have thorns that basically says, "Stay away. You're going to hurt yourself if you touch me." What about poisonous plants? Poison Ivy. Poison sumac. Poison Oak. If you touch it, you get a rash, it's going to be uncomfortable. They don't want to be touched. There are some plants that release chemicals, so the plants around it will then take notice and knows that there's danger. Not only plants, but animals have survival mechanisms in place as well. There's a certain squid that will chop off its own arm and leave it behind as a diversion so it can get away. Pretty smart. What about a possum? We know it plays dead, right? "Oh, I'm dead. You can leave me alone," and so it gets left alone. We all know what a skunk does; their scent is a survival mechanism. Think of a horse. I’m a horseback rider, so I love horses. They have eyes on each side of the head so they can see around them almost 360 degrees because they are a prey animal. They're constantly looking for danger, and if you have horses, you know this. Their nervous systems are heightened and they’re thinking: "Am I safe? Am I safe? Am I safe? What can I do if it's not safe?" We all know what a horse does, right? It can run really fast from the time it's born. These are all survival mechanisms that are built into nature. They're built into the natural organisms on this planet, and we are natural organisms. Why would we be any different? Well, we're not. We also have survival mechanisms, These are the biological programs that we, incidentally, share with animals. Three Biological Programs At the moment of the conflict shock a program starts in our body. One of three programs begins, and I'm not going to go into those programs now but just know it begins and we are instantly in one of the two phases that Dr. Hamer discovered. He realized that all diseases have two phases to them. Conflict Active The first one is called being conflict active, and it's when we're upset, that's what we feel. After your boss yells at you you're upset, you're shaky, you're not hungry anymore. You're wanting to go home and maybe live under a rock for a while. Physiological changes are occurring right then and there helping you to survive. Your nervous system has been turned on and we're in what we would call, fight or flight. Healing Phase Once we resolve this program, maybe we make peace with it, maybe the next day we talk with our boss and we work it out and there's an apology and our nervous system switches now into the second phase, which is called the healing phase. Some people call it the resolution phase because we had physiological changes when we were conflict active, when we were upset. In this healing phase, our brain is now going to direct our body to return to balance, to homeostasis. So, your body looks at the changes that occurred in the first phase, and it makes changes in the second phase to bring us back into balance. These changes are what we call being sick. There's pain, swelling, and inflammation to help bring us back into balance. How We “Catch” A Cold Let's look an example. Let's look at the common cold because that's something that most of us had experienced. Do you really catch a virus from somebody else? Something comes into our body and knows exactly where to go to give us exact symptoms? No. That's not an accurate description of what's occurring. What happened is that you had a stink conflict. What is a stint conflict? Well, something stinks. Something was lousy in your life, something you were fed up with. At the moment of the conflict shock, when you're totally fed up with something, you're psyche started a program that reduced the number of cells in your sinuses because your body wanted to help you survive this issue. “Let's not smell this person in anymore. Let's get away from this person.” This is so counterintuitive to what we've been taught. I know that. Hang in with me! So, we've had a stint conflict. We're upset. We're totally fed up. We're losing cells in our sinuses. Biologically, we don't want to smell that person that we're fed up with and were, and if we can't smell it, then our psyche says, well, we're no longer near then which means the crisis has been averted. This whole mechanism helps us to get away from it. Our psyche knows that losing cells in our sinuses will help us resolve this program. Let’s say you're on a city bus and somebody sits next to you who obviously has a bad cold. They're sneezing, they're coughing all over you, and you're thinking, "Oh my gosh, they're sitting right next to me. I can't believe this, they're spraying their germs all around me." Instantly you have a conflict shock. You are now losing cells in your sinuses right there on the bus so you could no longer smell this person that you don't want to be near. A few days later, you're away from this person. You're not even thinking about them anymore. Your psyche has realized, "Okay, we're not in any danger. We're away from that person. We lost cells. We need to refill them." Healing always takes place in a liquid environment, so our body brings liquid to our sinuses and that process helps us to replenish the holes that we created a few days ago on the bus. This is what we call a common cold. It's the healing phase of a stink conflict. Nothing has invaded you. There are no microbes that have entered to wreak havoc with you. The Real Role of Microbes In fact, microbes are helping you, which is why we always see microbes being active in the healing phase when you are “sick.” Yet what do we do? We take drugs to minimize all those symptoms, to get rid of the microbes. A better choice would be to support the healing phase. Maybe taking herbs, some homeopathy, some chicken soup, all of those things that we know that will help our bodies to recover sooner and easier. That's what's important. How GNM Helps Us German New Medicine gives us an entirely new perspective on how to help ourselves. For some programs, truly, surgery might be your best bet. Sometimes it's the worst thing you can do, but with GNM, you at least have a better understanding of when to use surgery, and even when to take pharmaceuticals or use holistic therapies, if at all. GNM is NOT A Modality It's not something you do like acupuncture or homeopathy or herbs or surgery or pharmaceuticals. GNM is a new understanding of physiology - of what's occurring in the body and why. Once we have this understanding, we have a much better picture of any actions to take. We know what's going on and why, then we can support it better and easier through the healing phase. No More Mysteries to Disease Dr. Harmer discovered the conflict shock that goes with every single disease - he mapped out the entire brain. There's no mystery as to why somebody gets the disease that they get. It's information that allows you to then support your body's innate ability to heal itself. And you're probably thinking, "Oh, I know somebody who's always eating right and always does the right thing, and yet they die of cancer." And yes, that happens and I will certainly explain that in at another time as I’m keeping it fairly basic right now. Let's go back to smoking, which I talked about earlier. Is Smoking the Cause of Lung Cancer? Does smoking cause cancer in 100% of the people who smoke? No. Well, in that case, then smoking is not the cause of lung cancer. What smoking does do, however, is that it weakens the lungs. We've all seen those pictures of the blackened lungs. Common sense tells us that's not healthy. Lungs blackened form tar are not healthy at all. The conflict shock that goes with the lungs is a death, fright, conflict. A death, fright, conflict, so " I'm going to die," or, "Somebody else is going to die." We have a whole culture of fear about smoking and smokers know that. This culture of fear is not helping smokers to resolve their programs. Our Culture of Fear The culture of fear is not helpful for anyone because fear makes every single program that runs in the body more complicated and severe. Also consider that people who have never smoked and yet they get lung cancer. Well, now we know exactly why. They experienced a conflict shock, a death fright conflict. Seemingly Paradoxical We probably all know somebody who's 85 years old who drinks whiskey every day. He smokes a cigar every day. He lives on white bread and in spam. He's never exercised a day in his life, and he's still going spry at 85, right? Who has an Uncle Joe like that? And we probably all know someone, let's say a 40 year old female who exercises and has a loving family, a wonderful husband. She meditates and she eats organic food. And she has a great support network and then BAM - she's diagnosed with cancer or fibromyalgia or something like that. Why do people think, "Oh, this doesn't make sense," and they don't understand why it doesn't make sense with conventional medicine, but with GNM, we know exactly why things like this happen. That's because we know the cause of all diseases, which are usually healing phases and they all originate from the conflict shock. GNM explains that. Freedom From The Fear Of Disease For me, one of the best things about GNM is the freedom of fear of disease. We have a culture of fear in our country. Let's face it, we've been taught to fear our bodies, to fear each other, to fear, the natural microbes that live inside us and also around us. These are microbes that, that physicians and researchers are just starting to realize are there. I think we've lost a connection to our bodies. I think we've lost an innate wisdom of our bodies and GNM helps us to get that back. I find it’s very empowering that when you understand what really caused the symptoms you have; you have this new perspective and it's something that people often understanding intuitively. I can't tell you the number of times when I've asked somebody, "Okay, so what was going on in your life five years ago, right before your symptoms began?" And they all will know, "Oh, well that's when my mother died," or, "That's when my divorce was final." People know intuitively what was going on in their lives around the time. We always work with the timeline and when you develop the timeline, you narrow down the conflict that was in everyone's life. And sometimes the conflict happens in utero or sometimes birth. GNM and Kids = True Empowerment = Change the Planet I love the thought of teaching this to kids. Can you imagine if we raised our kids to understand when they experienced a conflict shock? When they're in a conflict active phase? They could downgrade it sooner rather than later and so their healing phase, their sickness, will be a lot less complicated and less severe. Maybe they have a day of sniffles instead of having a full blown cold or flu. This is how GNM can empower us. It's awesome. I don't see that kind of empowerment coming from the business model of disease we currently have now. I truly believe we are hardwired for survival and we've forgotten that we are. To me, it's just common sense. I know that we have forgotten to trust our bodies. It's really up to us to get out of their way and support it as best we can. And this doesn't mean do nothing. I can hear people right now thinking, "Oh, she's saying we don't do anything." That's not at all what I'm saying but learn GNM and you'll understand this concept better. I think our chances of being healthy are really increased if we understand GNM before we have any sort of diagnosis, if possible. Because of our culture, diagnoses can create fear in our bodies. Like I said earlier, that makes things more complicated. I’m hoping I got you thinking today as I introduced a new paradigm to you. I'm hoping you understand at least a little bit more about German New Medicine and maybe I’ve piqued your curiosity. You can check out my online GNM programs. One is for the general population to be empowered with your help. The other is for holistic practitioners and healthcare providers to learn how to use German New Medicine with clients and patients. Drop me a line and let me know what else you'd like to learn about GNM. I look forward to that. Resources mentioned: Website: or for two online courses Hypothyroidism Statistics: diseases/hypothyroidism Asthma: Cancer stats: Blood testing: Heart: always-go-together 0 Comments |