My beautiful team: Ashley Newberry and Heidi McCormick!! We had a great time together! David Martin and I after I asked him if he knows GNM/GHK. (He's heard of it) From his slides. Sorry it's so grainy! It says: The Integral Cure....who "We, the People" Means, Our Inalienable Condition:
Ashlee Newberry, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and me. It was SO nice to meet him in person!! How many times do we all have to say this? SARS-CoV-2 Does NOT EXIST!! It was great to see Andy's FACT No. 1. Also from Andy's slides. I love this definition of a "variant." And let us not forget the fabulous food!! Pastured Duck with cherry sauce - yum!! The one and only Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dynamic, heartfelt, driven. He shared his huge perception and even included info about what his uncle, JFK, had to deal with. Absolutely riveting. And the one and only Del Bigtree. I grabbed him after he spoke and planted the seed of GNM/GHK in him.
In this blog, I'm going to explore chronic conditions from a GNM/GHK perspective and how to downgrade or resolve them if it's appropriate to do so. What is a chronic condition from a GNM/GHK perspective? First we call it something different.We call it any sort of chronic symptom either a hanging post-conflict phase, or a hanging PCL or a hanging healing. Remember a single healing phase is a biological program that runs its course. (More on that in the blog dated The PCL phase (or healing phase) might be a cold, a UTI, even a heart attack in the Epi crisis. It's a single program that completes the two phase:, the conflict active phase and the post-conflict or healing phase. But a chronic condition is different. Conflict Relapses It's chronic because of conflict relapses that activate the program again and again, and again. The person stays stuck on a hamster wheel going around and around no matter what they do.
Each one is a single biological program that keeps getting triggered over and over again by a track. Every time it gets triggered, the program begins again and has symptoms in the post-conflict phase. It gets re-triggered because of tracks. The Role of Tracks What is a track? A track is some element your psyche picked up at the moment of the original conflict shock or the DHS. Let's say you get home from work at the end of the day and your spouse is packing their car. You pull into the driveway and you ask, "Hey, what's going on?" Your spouse is leaving you for someone else. And you had absolutely no idea. You're shocked. You're stunned, you're outraged. You're numb. You feel helpless. Your psyche is now picking up on all of the elements involved in this encounter because you've had a conflict shock. It's looking at the season, the weather, your driveway, your spouse's blue car, all packed with suitcases and boxes, the anger, you feel the helplessness, the fact that you're starved and needing dinner because you skipped lunch that day. Every one of these elements can be a trigger that puts you back on this track of a repetitive biological program. If the original conflict hasn't been fully resolved, each of these elements are your psyche's way of saying "Warning, Warning! You had a conflict around this!" And you wonder why over the next few months or years you have various physical symptoms or perhaps a certain mental state such as you feel depressed or manic, or a certain behavior such as being OCD, all of a sudden or obsessing about death or you're bingeing on food and then throwing it up these symptoms, then just don't go away. Perhaps you have a stomach ache whenever you get hungry now, or you feel a restless feeling or an anger every time you see a blue car or every time you drive into your driveway after months or years of symptoms, you feel stack not to mention feeling sick and tired. Extended Tracks You may have extended tracks as well, which are created when your psyche associates a new experience or a situation with a track that was established at the moment of the original DHS (the original conflict shock), that hasn't been fully resolved. So let's say it's six months later and you're still fuming about your spouse walking out on you and now it's spring time and you're sitting in a chair in your driveway, eating a tuna sandwich. You're watching the cars go by and you see a blue car that looks just like your ex's. The biological program turns on so the bread, the tuna, the mayonnaise can now be extended tracks. And every time you encounter, one of them, the biological program begins again and your stomach begins to hurt. Getting Unstuck What do you do? How do you get unstuck, especially if it's been decades? GNM/GHK gives us a path forward, however, I need to caution you that I don't know exactly what you will need to do. Every one of us is unique and we are each the expert in our own lives. I always say that there are 7 billion people on this planet, and therefore there are 7 billion ways to resolve a hanging post-conflict phase (a chronic condition). How you discover the steps to do this in your own life will be different from the person next to you with the exact same issue. In general, however, there are a few steps we can all go through to determine this. Become a Detective First, you need to increase your awareness of your own situation by gathering clues. Put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and get to work. When did your symptoms start? The tracks relayed at the moment of the conflict shock. So look back at the distressing events in your life that were occurring around that time. Let's continue on with our example. Let's say you got married at age 18 and it was this spouse that walked out on you when you were 20. You now 45. And you wonder why you've had digestive issues since, like, forever in your mind. Zero in on when the symptoms began. Did you have these symptoms as a toddler in grade school, in middle school, in high school and so on and in this case, no, they started when you were 20. If you're working with a GNM/GHK consultant, they would keep asking you questions until you suddenly realize, "Oh yeah. The symptoms started when I was in my early twenties." The next question out of the consultant's mouth is, well, what was going on in your life in your late teens or your early twenties? Then you would remember the breakup and the light bulbs would start to go off. What's your Program? Next it's helpful if you can identify the biological program running in your body. You don't absolutely need to do this, however, knowing the program can give you a lot of information that can be helpful as you resolve it. If you're working with a GNM/GHK consultant, they will ask you more questions to pinpoint the exact biological program. And in this case, let's say it turns out that you're running the Greater Curvature of the Stomach/ Duodenum biological program. Knowing this gives us detailed information about the particular symptoms you'll experience in each phase, knowing that can be empowering. There's now a rhyme and a reason to having the symptoms you have. his information is a starting point for resolving the program once and for all. And I'll repeat that once, you know, the biological program you're running, you have detailed information about your conflict, your symptoms in both of the two phases. And this is a wonderful place in which to focus your attention. This particular program, the Greater Curvature of the Stomach/ Duodenum program, is known as an indigestible morsel conflict, which is a crazy name. That means something like: "This is really hard to accept. It's hard to stomach this," and it makes perfect sense in this case given the breakup. There is cell growth in the conflict active phase and in the post-conflict phase, these cells are broken down and eliminated with old brain microbes, such as TB bacteria, or maybe candida. More light bulbs go off because you've struggled with candida overgrowth for your entire adult life and you've always wondered why. Now, you know. What are your Tracks? Next you identify tracks. Think of all the elements involved with this breakup twenty-five years ago and write them down: the blue car, the feeling of anger and despair, the driveway, the suitcases loaded into the car that it was autumn when it occurred, the name of your ex, etc. Look at how any of these occur in your own life now. You realize your spouse of 20 years has a blue car. And he, or she, loads it up every morning with two briefcases and overcoat and breakfast. It looks like they're moving to work. But your psyche associates that with the breakup twenty-five years ago. Bingo! Try to remember everything about the event, the time of the day, the weather, what you were eating, how you felt, who was involved, et cetera. Also look at when your symptoms are worse and what just occurred prior to this. Worse every morning? That's great data. Particularly determine which elements such as the blue care, are present in your current life. Generally, you'll find these just before your symptoms begin or just before they worsen. For example: Perhaps every time you feel a little bit helpless, like it's too cold out and you don't have a sweater with you and you realize you feel helpless, or you hear some bad news on the TV and there's nothing you can do about it. You feel helpless again as if these things are hard to accept which is the track that starts this this program over yet again. Your Self Coach You have to be a detective observing your own life. I recommend you develop your own self coach, be an observer in your life as if you're sitting on your own shoulder, watching your life. Soon, and you'll have a list of triggers that start the tracks.
Change your Perspective Next, you want to take steps to change your perspective on each of these elements you discovered. Can you reframe each one and give it a different meaning? Change your perspective. Talk to your psyche about seeing your spouse leave every morning. How you know she or he needs two briefcases because their work involves a lot of documents and you're so grateful your spouse has a great job. Knowing that being caught in the cold is a track because it makes you feel helpless, you can remind yourself to bring a sweater every time you go outside for a walk. Then, congratulate yourself for taking charge and being proactive. Your psyche, your innate intelligence will hear this. And pretty soon being cold is no longer associated with being helpless and the program won't turn on. Also figure out how to change your relationship to the cold. Maybe you can take up a winter sport and then you start to look forward to being out in the cold. Talk to your brain, to your psyche. Your psyche - your innate intelligence that is part of your subconscious will hear you and it will learn to understand the blue car, the cold, etc are not the culprit. It's what your psyche has associated with the gluten that needs to be reframed. Thank your psyche for sending the alarm. Gluten is Not the Problem Every time you eat bread, however, you're not 20 anymore in the middle of an awful breakup. This helps you make peace with the bread because your symptoms are not about the food. Give yourself time to do all of this. And if you get stuck connect with the GNM/GHK consultant to help you figure out what to do next, GNM/GHKCare I'm starting at GNM/GHK clinic called GNM/GHKcare, where you can connect with a GNM/GHK consultant to help you with this process and get the answers you need. Also, if it's in your best interest, not to resolve a conflict because the post-conflict phase will be too intense. the GNM/GHK consultant can help you figure this out. I hope this has been helpful! Write in the comments below and let me know! And thanks so much for tuning in. I'll see you next time No one’s had stress this year, right?? LOL. Judging by the 48% increase of suicide in rural areas and 34% increase of suicide in cities this year, I would say this year has been an extraordinary year for stress and we have faced stressors we’ve never faced before. And the holidays are right around the corner. What do we do? How do we handle this so we can stay as healthy as possible? General Stress or Conflict Activity? First, determine if you have generalized stress or if you are conflict active with a biological program. (Not sure what this means? Check out this short video.) Stress and conflict activity look a lot alike:
The difference between the two is that generalized stress isn’t unexpected and it builds slowly. With a conflict shock, one of the discoveries Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer made, you experience an unexpected event which shocks your nervous system and turns on a biological program (known more commonly as "diseases") to help you survive. You generally don’t know definitively which you have UNTIL the issue has resolved and you then have a healing phase (which is known as “being sick”). Then you realize you’ve been conflict active. Realize, too, that you can be conflict active for months and think you’re just stressed. Either way, the actions you can take to reduce the toll these take on your body and health, are the same for generalized stress AND conflict activity. Important Steps 1. Increase your awareness of yourself: when do you feel distress, even for one second, in your day?
2. Observe yourself as you feel the feelings that arise. What can you do in that moment to create a shift for your mind? 3. Can you reframe the situation? Do your best with this knowing you won't get it 100% at the beginning. With practice, it gets much easier. “I’m so glad my kids are enjoying each others company.” And then organize an activity for them, or join them in a game of kickball in the yard for 15 mins before you retreat to a task you need to complete. “I’m calling my senator’s office and letting them know how I feel so I can feel empowered that I’ve been heard.” Then call their office and voice your concerns. Know that you’ve done all you can do….until the next election. “Hey, kids, let’s Facetime with Grandma and Grandpa!” Remind yourself you have the power and ability to reach out and connect and focus on this instead of how long it’s been since you saw your loved ones in person. In each circumstance, you have observed, rather than operated on autopilot, spinning out of control, and you have then taken positive and proactive steps down downgrade your stress or conflict active phase. You will find that your stress levels AND your conflict active phases are lessened which is advantageous for your overall health & vitality. Give this a try and let me know the results! This blog is called “What's the Real Issue? Our Current Status from a GNM Perspective.” I had to create a title like this because I've been advised not to put the word COVID or coronavirus or pandemic in any subject headings or titles, because they're getting deleted from many of the social media platforms with all the censoring that's occurring unfortunately. This is the strange alternate reality in which we now live unfortunately. I’ll discuss COVID testing ,vaccines, and the current upsurge in COVID cases while there's a decrease in COVID deaths. And it's all from a German New Medicine perspective and it's my opinion. I live in Western North Carolina, where we are now required to wear masks when we're in stores. Later, I’ll talk about the mask I made so you can see what my solution was to wearing a mask. I do believe it's important right now to keep your sense of humor and to be creative. Covid Testing from a GNM perspective There are two kinds of tests available for COVID-19. In general, a viral test which looks for the virus that supposedly causes this disease and antibody tests, that test for the antibodies, which they believe are produced AFTER you've had a disease. They believe antibodies might provide protection from getting infected with the virus again but, of course, there's no guarantee, they say. Why do they even put in this disclaimer? Stay with me on that one. So, two types of testing: viral and antibody, and there is so much inaccurate information about these it’s almost difficult to know where to even begin to describe this. The reason there is so much inaccurate information here is because allopathic medicine began because of the theory that microbes invade our bodies and cause diseases and we have an entire system medicine based on this false theory. They even still call it the Germ Theory. They even admit it hasn’t been proven . Quick Medical History Louis Pasteur who invented this theory is said to have recanted it before he died; he realized there was no such thing as germs getting into our body and creating havoc. That didn’t stop John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and their cronies from having the Flexnor report written which changed the course of medical history in our country in 1910. They changed it to the streamlined monopolistic business that we have today. They knew that to control medicine and the future of medicine, you had to control medical schools and you had to control the new AMA. And that is exactly what they did. All med schools were required to now teach about drugs that Rockefeller and his cronies held the patents to. They knew this would be a good business model, because if you could just kill the germs with their patented drugs, then you wouldn't get sick. Well, as you can see, this entire belief system is flawed. It didn't work and it still doesn't work today as people continue to “get sick.” The Beneficial Role of Microbes Today, Functional Medicine has proven the existence of trillions of microbes in our bodies that are causing us to be sick, in fact, we now know that we can't live without them. They are vital for our life and for our health. And 35+ years ago, Dr. Hamer discovered these trillions of microbes have very specific jobs - they either perform cell breakdown or cell replenishment- when we're in the healing phase. This is nature at its finest. Just because an activated microbe is busy performing a specific task when you have symptoms doesn't mean it CAUSES the symptoms. It's like saying eating bread causes people to commit crimes because most people who commit a crime had some form of bread for breakfast that day. As if bread is the culprit just like microbes are the culprit. Yeah, I don't think so. In fact, the opposite is true: microbes, including viruses, if they exist, are helping us return the body to homeostasis and health. So, using testing to look for a certain virus or an exome or any other microbe, no matter what you want to call it is irrelevant. It's not causing the symptoms. As these tests are discovering, they're finding the supposed virus in many people who don't have symptoms and who will never experience symptoms. Yes, of course. We have billions of these RNA/protein particles they call viruses or exosomes in our bodies and they don't make us sick. That is obvious. The Role of Antibodies Let's look at antibody testing. Modern medicine believes the presence of antibodies means that you have already had a "disease" and that the antibodies that were created because of that disease will now keep you safe... or, at least a little safer because they supposedly fight the virus. Again, there is so much just plain wrong with this statemen but let's start with: Do antibodies really exist? Yes, they do. Antibodies however, do not prove the existence of a “virus.” The existence of antibodies in the body proves the existence of antibodies and that's it. Consider this: if you are wounded, let's say you get into a motorcycle accident and you have road rash over half of your body. The number of antibodies in your body will rise as your body begins to heal. Modern medicine knows that antibodies are important for healing. So, because they have to make everything fit the germ theory, they theorized the antibodies fight viruses even though there's no evidence of that. It's just a theory. Again. Dr. Hamer's work confirmed that antibodies alert the body to reactivate a program after a conflict relapse. Anytime a person sets on a track and has a conflict relapse, it's the antibodies that sound the alarm and activate the healing phase yet again. Think of any hanging healing; this is what occurs 100% of the time. There is no need for any disclaimers, exceptions, or excuses that antibodies may or may not help. In GNM we know the antibodies are always helping us to survive and to heal. Testing & Fear Testing is another source of fear. Will I test positive? Will my spouse test positive? Will I be sick? Will we die? What if, what do I do if it's a false positive, and if it's negative, when should I get tested again? These are all fear-based questions that run through people's heads and this heightens the nervous system, which makes people more susceptible to experience conflict shocks. Upsurge in Covid Cases and Decrease in Covid Deaths First, let me say that what I'm about to say is my opinion. And I also want to say, it's probably just part of the answer; I'm sure there's more to it than this especially when you look at demographics, age, comorbidities, etc. I'm really just giving you something to think about here. With that being said: If I were to greatly generalize, I would say we have two kinds of people right now: people who are afraid of catching the Covid virus and people who don't want the government to impose restrictions on them and they think Covid is pretty much a hoax. We’re going to call these the Virus folks and the Hoax folks. And I know this is a large generalization, but stay with me for a minute. When we first started hearing about COVID back in December/January, the Virus folks got scared. I believe we would say they were probably conflict active to a degree. When governments started imposing restrictions and locked down, these people relaxed. "Oh, good. The government is finally doing something. I'm not going to come into contact with others so I won't get sick. " They then resolved their conflict and they entered the healing phase. That’s right: they were diagnosed with COVID-19. This is exactly what we saw in Italy; I wrote about this in my blog on February 10th. This was the initial surge of deaths in the United States in early April. And, as we know, the majority of these folks were over 75. Meanwhile, during lock downs and government restrictions, the Hoax folks were chafing at the bit- how dare the government tell me I have to wear a mask, that I can't leave my house that I can't go to work, this is crazy! This started in the United States with the lockdowns in April and continued into May. They were conflict active during the most restrictive time a few months after the virus believers were conflict active. The easing of the lockdown in the US began in late May, early June. And my thought is that the Hoax group partially resolved their conflict, “Yay!! We can get out and do things now!” and then they had some symptoms which we would expect. And these symptoms weren't nearly as life threatening because it was a partial resolution. We know the number of deaths has been steadily decreasing since early May, except for one day and that's June 25th. Then, with the potential of the easing of the lockdown, the Virus folks got scared again. And while we've seen a small increase on some days in deaths, they still aren't dying at the same rate as before. And why not? It's because the conflict active phase that we're currently seeing in both groups just isn't as intense anymore. We've been living with this for a while so it's not the initial shock that we had early on. And again, this is my theory for what it's worth. The Rollercoaster & Politics At this point, we still have fear in the headlines because while the number of deaths has decreased steadily since April, the numbers of people who supposedly test positive has greatly increased because of testing. Testing, government restrictions, fear of a virus, many people live on this rollercoaster. But you don't have to, you can get off the hamster wheel, which is what I'll talk about soon. Couple more thoughts on COVID testing: I'm not aware that they've ever tested for the coronavirus, at least not like they are now. Remember, the corona virus was first discovered about 70 years ago. It's nothing new. We have many variations of them in our bodies all the time. They are part of nature; we are part of nature. And then there's politics. Hospitals being told to label deaths as COVID deaths even with a negative Covid test. And so on. And according to the CDC: They're no longer saying “COVID,” they're using “PIC” instead which stands for Pneumonia, Influenza or COVID-19.” Hey, let's just expand the pool here, right? This means that someone can test negative for COVID-19, die from pneumonia, and still be counted as part of the COVID-19 pretend pandemic. So, politics, of course, muddies the water when it comes to all of the headlines, which stokes the fear and the conflict active/healing phase cycle continues. Covid Vaccines People often send me articles and videos about all the horrible stuff that's going to be put in vaccines, how it will alter our DNA, that vaccines will be forced upon us, that we're losing our rights. First of all, I want to say I get it! I don't like this any more than you do. And I want to ask you: Is your nervous system heightened when you think of the vaccines? Do you feel upset about this? It may not be, but if it is, then consider that your imagining - and the spreading of your imagining - isn't necessarily helping you stay balanced which means you may experience more conflict shocks related to the vaccine.... just like the people afraid of the COVID virus. Reality Check Let's stay with reality: Yes, they are designing vaccines.
Beyond that: it's all speculation. Giving energy to the wild fears that speculating brings puts us in a better position to experience a conflict shock. We are no more enlightened than people thinking the virus is going to invade our body and make us sick. Right? It's the same pattern of fear. We know GNM to be empowering. So let yourself be empowered. GNM Empowerment Instead, let’s look at WWGNMD? (What Would GNM Do?)
When they finally create a vaccine, stay calm, and be proactive pragmatically. If it becomes a mandatory vaccine and that's a big IF right now, take care of yourself. What they perceive as a virus in the vaccine won't hurt you. And as far as all the toxic crap, research all the ingredients and find out how to detox them all out of your body immediately. It is certainly possible to do this and that's what I'm going to do if it comes to that. Know that your body is far more resilient and magnificent than your fears are. My Mask My mask is made out of white lace. Yes, I made it. it's basically white lace that I used to make doll clothes for my granddaughter's dolls. It’s pretty much see-through and I can breathe just fine in it. In the middle of it, I've written with a black Sharpie “0.0004%” in 1” high numbers so if you're walking past me, you can see them pretty darn well. What does 0.0004% represent? It's the chances of dying from COVID-19 here in the US.
The Real Issue with Covid What's the real issue going on in the world today? Is it a virus?? Of course not. It's our conflict shocks, which are determined by our psyche’s perception of the events in our lives, which are determined by our beliefs and our fears. Testing & vaccines are irrelevant and bogus even though the system we live in doesn't think so. But your beliefs and thoughts about testing and vaccines, and viruses, for that matter….. they matter here. Lost a loved one? I want to address anyone reading this who may have lost a loved one to COVID-19 or maybe a family member was very sick of it. And first I want to say, I'm very sorry for your loss. I am urging you to please take care of yourself. Your fear of the “virus” may be heightened. “I don't want to get sick!-as you deal with your grief on top of your fear. These put you in a more vulnerable position, which increases your chances of having a conflict shock. Please know that you can empower yourself; everyone can. Learn from your experiences by looking at them from a different perspective – the GNM perspective. You may see something you've never seen before especially in regards to your loved one. The bottom line here for everyone is: Stay out of fear! Know when your nervous system is heightened and have tools and techniques to bring you into balance. You'll experience less conflict shocks and you'll downgrade conflict shocks more effectively making your healing phase less complicated. Learn GNM and share it with others, please. As much as you can. Know when to use the current medical system we have and learn when it's important to find other answers such as what GNM can give us. Check out my course, Beyond Holistic Medicine; anyone around the world can take this as it’s virtual at You are all still in the driver's seat of your own life and your health, even though it may not feel like it. So, stay rooted in the driver's seat. Stay calm and move forward without fear taking action when you need to. I mentioned earlier about keeping your sense of humor and being creative. I think those are two qualities we could probably all use a little more of right now. I've chosen to focus my attention on spreading the news of GNM so I live in my own GNM bubble and I'm really happy there. :) I've also taken up watercolor painting and jigsaw puzzles with my husband. How fun is that? Find activities you can do that bring you joy right now, and focus on those. Wayne Dyer said, “Everything you are against, weakens you. Everything you are for, empowers you.” You ARE in control of your thoughts and where are you focus your attention; This is your superpower. Never forget that. And of course, make that mask out of lace. ;) As always, you can listen to this as a podcast, watch it as a video on YouTube, or read the transcription or the blog. First, I want to say to those in the black and brown communities that my heart is with you. I know you carry an extra burden because our systems & policies disenfranchise you based on the color of your skin. Through no fault of your own you will disproportionately experience systemic injustice and prejudice that can put us on completely different paths. For example:
Our DNA The thing I want us to remember is that all humans are linked by our DNA. Genetically, we are all 99.5% identical. This means we differ by only .5% which is half of 1%. Our biological processes are 100% identical regardless of this .5% difference. What do I mean by biological processes? It’s our hardwiring. Dr. Hamer, over 35 years ago, proved that we are all identically hardwired for survival. – all of us, no matter the color of our skin. In other words, we ARE more alike than we realize. IT is time we stand up and not only remember this but remind our neighbors of this and treat others knowing they are more like us than not. And we must dismantle the systems that say otherwise. That being said, the experience we have as humans because of the color of our skin affects us disproportionately especially with our health and this is what I want to discuss today. Let’s look at how this disparity of experience affect the health of black and brown people vs white people from a GNM perspective. And a caveat: none of this is blaming People of Color. It is a call to action for all of us to do better – to be better – so everyone’s health improves. What is heart disease, really?? I researched the top causes of death filtered by race. The first thing that pops up is the disparity with heart disease. Heart disease has been one of our leading causes of death for all skin colors for many years although it is declining. According to the American Heart Association, 33% more blacks than whites will die from heart disease. To discover why from a GNM perspective we need to first look at terminology. When modern medicine refers to “cardiovascular disease,” they are referring to the disease of the heart OR the blood vessels. Dr. Hamer discovered these are each different biological programs AND not only that but that each part of the heart has its own individual biological program. GNM is very, very precise. There is a different program for the myocardium ventricles, the heart atria, for the endocardium and heart valves, for the pericardium, for the coronary arteries, for the coronary veins, for the aorta, carotid arteries and subclavian arteries and for the carotid sinus. This means we have 8 potential biological programs for what allopathic medicine calls “heart disease or cardiovascular disease.” Contributing Factors….Not Risk Factors When allopathic medicine mentions heart disease, they immediately follow it with what they call “risk factors” such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption. They say these are the reasons we have heart disease. Let me be clear. From a GNM perspective, these do cause heart disease, per se. High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are separate biological programs. An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption are what we would call contributing factors rather than risk factors. Risk factors supposedly increase the possibility of disease while contributing factors more accurately have the potential to weaken the body so we are more apt to have the conflict shocks that start the biological programs. Just a small but very important detail there. Let’s look at each of these to see what all these symptoms and quote “risk factors” - have to do with heart disease, and statistically why more People of Color have these symptoms – and more heart disease - than whites. High Blood Pressure We’ll start with high blood pressure. The prevalence of high blood pressure in African Americans is the highest in the world. Not only is high blood pressure more severe in blacks than whites, it also develops earlier in life. Please remember this; we will come back to it. From a GNM view, there are three biological programs that have HBP – these are the kidney parenchyma program which is a water or fluid conflict, the myocardium/ heart ventricles – which is a biological program of feeling overwhelmed or having lots of negative stress, and the adrenal medulla program which is unbearable and intense stress. Also add to this that you can have HBP in ANY intense conflict active phase and any Epi-Crisis. Even though HBP has these 5 possible causes from a GNM perspective, the program that is best associated with what we would call traditional heart disease is the myocardium/ventricle program which I’ve already mentioned as an overwhelm conflict – it’s a negative stress overload. There can be an irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath in the conflict active phase along with high blood pressure and lung edema and peripheral edema such as swollen ankles and legs. All of this is termed “heart failure” and it takes place in the conflict active phase with either a hanging conflict active phase or a hanging healing phase. The hanging phases can last for years and the symptoms that occur with each become chronic conditions. The epicrisis for this program is a myocardial heart attack. Incidently, anyone diagnosed with sleep apnea has many, many tiny myocardial heart attacks every night. This is different from the coronary artery program when there is angina in the conflict active phase and a coronary artery heart attack in the epi-crisis. Different program. With the myocardiam/ventricle program, people are often conflict active or in a hanging healing for years. Diabetes What is diabetes? From a GNM view, this is a biological program that involves the alpha and beta islet cells of the pancreas. For males, it’s a resistance conflict – they resist something in their lives and for women it’s a fear-disgust conflict. That means something that is scary and awful. Obesity What is Obesity? That’s either a self-devaluation conflict – feeling less than, feeling inferior – or the Kidney Collecting Tubule program which is feeling abandoned, isolated, ostracized, excluded. Obesity can also be both a self-devaluation, feeling less than AND feeling abandoned or excluded. Unhealthy Diet Next are the contributing factors that have a different effect on our bodies than what we have been lead to believe such as having an unhealthy diet. Does an unhealthy diet cause heart disease? No. Only a few specific biological programs lead to this. You can live on junk food all your life and you never experience the symptoms of heart disease. However, if we eat predominantly food that is processed, or filled with chemicals, or is GMO, or is denatured, etc. it just doesn’t supply our body with proper energy. And energy is what we need to make it through our healing phases, thus, our vital energy is weaker. This isn’t healthy. We want to eat organic, whole foods as much as possible because these foods give us more energy and thus, more support in healing phases. We’ll also experience fewer conflict shocks if our bodies have strong, vital energy. Lack of Exercise Next is lack of exercise. What does exercise do from a GNM perspective? It keeps our muscles, our tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue strong and pliable. It keeps our organs in place. This keeps us stronger and the stronger we are, the greater is our ability to make it through an expected healing phase without complications. Excessive Alcohol Lastly, we have excessive alcohol. This is pretty self-explanatory, I hope. It’s a substance that weakens us; it certainly weakens the liver. The weaker we are, the more susceptible we are to conflict shocks and more complicated healing phases. Tying this up with People of Color How does this all tie in to the disproportionate number of deaths of People of Color from heart disease? Inherent racism and implicit bias has existed in America since the first slave ship arrived here over 400 years ago and it still exists in America today. Our country was built upon it. Our state and federal governments, our law enforcement, healthcare and social services systems, our schools and universities, our Fortune 500 companies, and even where grocery stores are located – all of it was set up with inherent racism and implicit bias. Here is the crux of this episode: People of Color in America are more apt to experience biological conflict shocks of resistance and fear-disgust such as being passed over for promotions, or being shot while jogging, of losing friends to police violence. I would be resistant, too. This is diabetes. People of Color in America are more apt to feel inferior and less than and also feel abandoned by the systems that are supposed to protect us - this sets People of Color up for self-devaluation conflicts and Kidney Collecting Tubule programs which lead to the conflict shocks and biological programs that lead to obesity. Due to systemic biases against People of Color, it’s harder to find a good paying or living wage job and, thus, to make the money it takes to put healthy whole food on the table. Like I mentioned, living on denatured food weakens the body which means which means we’ll experience more conflict shocks and healing phases may be more complicated to get through. Many People of Color lack the resources and the community structures that support exercise to keep their bodies strong. And then alcohol might be used as a way to cope. Because of all of these systemic racially biased and inequitable realities, People of Color potentially experience the biological program of being overwhelmed which is high blood pressure. Remember I said we’d come back to this? Here it is. People of Color in America potentially experience the conflict shock of having a negative stress overload at a higher rate than whites and at an earlier age which means they start the myocardium program, in greater numbers and at an earlier age. After years – decades even – of being stuck in either a hanging conflict – which is “heart failure” or a hanging healing which is also either heart failure, or sleep apnea, or a myocardium heart attack, their bodies weaken so much that they can’t survive. This is why more People of Color die from heart disease. Call to Action I am ashamed. The entire system developed by whites is meant to keep People of Color marginalized and that is obvious from the conflicts they experience. The body doesn’t lie. Because of GNM, we know what begins every single disease and the systems in America are definitely set up to favor some over others. To every white person listening to this and watching this: we must do better. .5% is NOT enough to divide us. Here is our Call to Action. My personal and professional goal is to create a world where everyone knows GNM – where children are brought up knowing from an early age when they are conflict active and they are learning how to downgrade this themselves, so their healing phases are minimal. Imagine if we had a world where everyone knew this information from a young age – no matter the color of their skin – so everyone could have more control over their lives AND their health. We are already united in our DNA and in our hardwiring. Now it’s time to create equity in our systems so everyone has the same choices and chances and knowledge. Black Lives Matter. Please join me in the work of recreating our systems so that everyone of all colors will be embraced. We know that less than 1% of our DNA is different. In the core of our being is the truth that we are all one and I believe we are connected in ways we aren’t even yet aware. Please join me: share this episode with someone who looks different than you. Preferably, share this episode with someone who has a different skin tone than you do. Thank you for joining me, In Health, Andi I have heard from so many of you since my last blog and I want to thank you so much for your support and your comments. They have meant a lot much to me! And thank you for the info from around the world; it’s been really helpful. I must say, I have sat down to write this blog about 15 times in the past 3 weeks and each time, I was sidetracked in my research. What I found for answers one day, were contradicted the next day so it’s been challenging to wade through all the editorials, the blogs, the articles, the research, etc. to find the information I needed. I also spoke with doctors and nurses from both sides – mainstream providers from the “front lines” (in quotes because many believe we are at war) and also GNM healthcare providers and got vital information from all of them. Additional Covid19 Symptoms Have you seen the headlines of all the additional Covid 19 symptoms? In this article I’ll analyze what these mean and give you ideas on how to move forward. From high altitude sickness to an increase in blood clots, there have been many more symptoms associated with the corona virus including:
I’ll cover 19 different symptoms and explain them from a GNM perspective. Truly, I just have to just shake my head at all of these symptoms because it’s very obvious from a GNM perspective why people are having these particular symptoms – there is no mystery with GNM - and I hope that soon, you’ll also be shaking your head at the miraculous wonder of the human body. I’ll do my best here with the info I found and please know this may change as more details of each program become available. Expected Symptoms This is my 3rd covid19 blog and since my previous two blogs, the current symptoms of the day have varied. In Feb, the CDC reported just fever, cough, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, pneumonia. Those are the territorial fear and KCT programs running concurrently which gives us pneumonia. IN March, they added sinuses to that list: more stink conflicts. The list as of April 30th from the CDC which has more than doubled:
They also say to watch for
All of us who know GNM well have totally expected additional symptoms just like these because we understand how the body works. As our daily lives have changed, we have experienced additional conflict shocks and additional resolutions. Our psyche’s have experienced our frustrations and our fears such as our fear of being sick or our loved ones being sick, our fear of death or of our loved ones dying, the loss of contact with our loved ones, our friends, our classmates. Some feel their freedom and liberty have been taken away from them. Many people feel stuck. And the list continues. We are seeing additional symptoms because we have had additional conflict shocks. Again, these symptoms were expected because of how our media and our government has spread fear and created hardships in our lives all with - hopefully - the intention of keeping us informed and keeping us healthy. We are now seeing the expected repercussions of these actions. CDC Symptoms Let’s start with the first grouping of CDC symptoms and I’ll start with the first one: fever.
Fever Let’s start with the fever: I’ve seen reports that it gets up to 105 F/40.5 C. This would indicate the healing phase of an organ or tissue formed by the ectoderm germ layer. The highest temperatures are with these. The presence of a fever tells us the conflict has been resolved and the person is now in the healing phase and it’s attempting to restore homeostatis. Chills & headaches: These, like the fever, are common symptoms for healing phases and they may increase in the EC. The headache is caused by the expected edema or swelling in the lesion in the brain and it’s a protection of the brain so it’s a good thing. Next time you have a fever: put an ice bag on your head and that will help reduce the edema. Muscle pain Doctors are reporting this in about 15% of coronavirus patients. They are labeling it as myalgia which means the inflammation of soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons and fascia and they’re also calling it joint pain. Generally, these body tissues are associated with self-devaluation conflicts – so, feeling less than; a loss of self esteem. Remember: Conflict shocks for others Keep in mind: You can also experience a conflict shock for someone else so if you feel bad your loved one is sick or if you feel horrible that thousands of people are sick, these could cause you to experience a conflict shock. Repeated shaking with chills couldn’t really determine what kind of shaking was occurring – what it looked like -so I’m going to give you two possibilities.
Cough This is the healing phase of the territorial fear program I mentioned in my first Covid 19 blog. The shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – I’m going to cover those in a little bit. Sore Throat This is an easy one. It’s the throat mucosa program which is a “Not wanting to swallow a morsel conflict.” In plain English, this means: “I don’t want to accept this”, or “I’m having a really hard time with this.” Know anyone who is feeling this right now, right??? It’s cell loss in the CA phase and cell replenishment in the healing phase which is a sore throat. Loss of the sense of smell or taste. First, I want to remind you of a stink conflict which is the nasal mucosa program. Something stinks, something is lousy, you’re fed up. You lose cells in your sinuses so you can, in theory, no longer smell this thing that is lousy. Biologically, if you can’t smell it, it’s no longer a problem or a danger to you. This is our psyche taking care of us. The healing phase of this is the common cold. Let’s look at the Loss of smell. This is an easy one from a GNM standpoint. It involves the olfactory nerves which are the nerves in your nose. It’s a conflict of not being able to smell something or someone you want to smell or you DO smell something that you don’t want to smell. It’s slightly different from the stink conflict which is a cell loss. This one is functional loss. The olfactory nerves reduce their functioning which reduces your ability to smell. Again, it’s your psyche’s way of saying: you miss your loved ones? Let’s reduce your ability to smell them so missing them isn’t as much of a problem. You have to remember that we are animals and we’re talking survival mechanisms here. In the wild, if you can’t smell danger, then there is no danger. Taste I could not find any detailed info about this one so I'll make a few educated guess. It could be the Palate and back 3rd of the tongue conflict which is a conflict of "not being able to not wanting to taste something" – this is usually in regards to food. It’s cell loss in the CA phase with the loss of taste occurring in the healing phase so, after the conflict has been resolved. The tricky part is that it’s usually preceded by painful ulcers on the back of the tongue and a real sensitivity to taste – like, suddenly everything you eat tastes awful. I haven’t seen any reports of these symptoms so I wonder if we just don’t have the full story here. I think it’s fairly common to lose your smell and taste when you have a healing phase from a bad stink conflict (a common cold), there is a lot of congestion that can block the nerves from working, however, I don’t know if everyone with a loss of smell and taste are having this particular healing phase right now so this will remain a bit of a mystery until we get more information. Let’s look at the additional symptoms the CDC mentioned are Persistent pain or pressure in the chest I really couldn’t find a lot of exact details about this one so I’m going to make an educated guess that this is the myocardium program - the heart ventricles - which very commonly runs when you have anxiety. You know that heart pounding feeling? This conflict is “feeling overwhelmed.” A lot of people have this program, in general, including anyone who has sleep apnea. Here’s what’s interesting: In the healing phase of the left ventricle there can be a backup of fluid in the lungs which leads to shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Remember these? I had said I would talk about these later; well, here it is. We'll also see an a strong or fast heartbeat with this program. The shortness of breath and breathing difficulties could be due to a pretty intense overwhelm conflict. The question to which I could not get an answer is: are we seeing these three symptoms heart pain, breathing difficulties and shortness of breath. together ALL the time in covid patients or not? If so, then I think we can say they are all due to the myocardium program but here are other reasons as well, which we’ll soon see. New confusion or inability to arouse (it’s difficult to wake up after sleeping) I believe we’re seeing the mental confusion because of a new brainstem constellation. After Dr. H discovered the cause of every physical disease, he then turned his attention to what we would call mental illness, behavioral issues and mood disorders. He called these Constellations and if this interests you, please subscribe to my mailing list because I teach a class in this. The simplest explanation of a brainstem constellation is that it involves the conflict activity of the kidney collecting tubules – that’s about feeling abandoned, isolated, or having to stay in the hospital - and the conflict active program of one other program in the opposite brain hemisphere. There is more to it than that, but you get the idea. As soon as a person has these two conflict active programs running, they will be confused. This is the program that modern medicine calls “dementia.” Do you know anyone, especially someone older, who is isolated, alone at home or in the hospital, away from loved ones? Bluish lips or face This is the periosteum program which is a severe separation conflict. The periosteum is the cover – like a glove – over our bones. This is a pretty intense or brutal separation conflict: we are apart from people we love, friends, etc. Real estate comes into play here: location, location, location. Each part of our body means something different because each part of our body has a different function so the location of the skin condition gives us more clues into how to determine the conflict shock, the DHS. Lips? What do we do with lips? We kiss with them? So maybe this means we’re not able to kiss our loved ones because we are separated from them? Or we’re too afraid to kiss them because we’ll give them a disease or we’ll get one from them. What about a bluish face? Our face is usually what we show the world. And now we’re too separated to do this? We can’t face anyone or we may get sick and die? Again, I’ just guessing here. Another thought: When anyone in the world looks at you, they look at your face, right? We don’t look at each others feet, we look into each others faces and our eyes. Since we’re isolated, perhaps people are experiencing this as a separation from others; we can’t be seen. Those were all the CDC symptoms as of April 30th. Now we’ll look at all the symptoms that have been in the headlines. Covid toes This is a purple discoloration and bumps appear on the tops of the toes but also on the sides and bottoms of the feet as well. Many kids and teens appear to be presenting with this, although adults are, as well. And once again, we’re seeing the periosteum program which is a severe or brutal separation conflict. We are not with the people we want to be with or we want to get away from the people that we ARE with because we’re getting really tired of them. Know anyone feeling this way? Again, real estate is important. Where is the location of the skin issue? Toes are associated with trying to get a grip when something is uncertain, and toes AND our feet are associated with wanting or not wanting to leave a certain place or trying to kick someone or something away, or the ability to move, to dance, to play sports, or to simply move to a certain place because that is what our feet do. Do you know anyone who wants to move their body around to a place they can’t go right now? And we’re seeing this more in kids so parents: it’s really important to get your kids moving right now to anyplace you are able to move to. Get super creative with this. Skin issues Doctors are also seeing a measles -like rash and hive-like rash in addition to the covid toes. This is more in adults on their torso. This is also a separation conflict. Again: location. What do we do with our torsos? In my world, when I give someone a big hug our torso’s usually touch; probably in your world too. I think that’s the most obvious torso rash conflict. We are missing our loved ones, our friends, etc. Conjunctivitis This is a visual separation conflict: we can’t see someone when we want to or we see someone and we don’t want to. In other words, it’s either that we can’t see our friends and loved ones or we’re tired of being at home and seeing just the family we live with. When you have conjunctivitis, it occurs in the healing phase, after the issue is resolved. I wonder if we’ll see more of this once kids and adults can see their friends, coworkers, and extended families again. We’ll see. Body tingling This means you’re in the conflict active phase of the periosteum program which I mentioned above with the bluish lips and face. It’s a severe or brutal separation conflict. If your whole body is tingling, then we may start to see more “rheumatism” and “Raynaud’s disease.” Those are both symptoms of conflict active phases that have lasted a longer amount of time. We may also see more neuropathies which is also the conflict active phase. Once life is more back to normal and the program is resolved, we’ll probably see an increase in numbness in our body and I can’t even imagine what these folks will be diagnosed with at this point. Kidney failure According to Alan Kliger, a nephrologist at the Yale School of Medicine, nearly half of those hospitalized with the virus have blood or protein in their urine, showing early damage to their kidneys, I’ve already mentioned the KCT when I talked about the brainstem constellation – the mental confusion or “dementia.” I really hoped to find more info about the people diagnosed with kidney failure – if the prevalence of confusion is higher with them but I couldn’t find that. The reason we’re seeing a higher number of kidneys are failing is because they have the kidney collecting tubule program which is an abandonment, isolation, a fear of abandonment or isolation. It’s also called a hospital conflict – so not wanting to be in a hospital or fear of going into one. I think it’s pretty obvious what this is about for so many people right now. High Altitude Sickness Lastly I want to discuss the patients who appear to have high altitude sickness. They arrive in the Emergency Dept without breathing difficulties even though their oxygen levels appear very low, as if oxygen isn’t being circulated in the body. This is baffling to doctors because with low oxygen saturation rates, there is usually a lot of not only breathing difficulties but talking difficulties. Not so with Covid19 – they have low oxygen saturation rates and they are easily talking on their cells phones. I’m also going to tie in the increase in blood clots and the blood vessel inflammation doctors are seeing. Four programs at once This appears to be four different programs occurring all at once. The first program we’re seeing the lung biological program with often many conflict relapses. This is a death-fright conflict either for yourself, or worrying about others dying. The old medicine would call this "lung cancer." There is cell growth in the conflict active phase and cell breakdown in the healing phase and this is when the oxygen levels decrease. This is in the healing phase and is to be expected. The healing phase however is getting interrupted with additional conflict shocks – now we’re upset that not only is Grandma sick, but Grandpa may have covid19 as well! With enough conflict relapses and vacillating between the conflict active phase and the healing phase, the oxygen levels never have the chance to return to normal so they can be quite low and yet, their ability to talk is still intact. We’re not talking long term lung symptoms here which is where we would see the low saturation rates with difficulty talking. Instead, we’re seeing programs that have been running for a few weeks – 4 weeks? 8? 12 at most? And the programs are yoyoing in a dramatic fashion so they don’t look normal. This is NOT your normal pneumonia program nor is it a “normal” lung program. This is one of the reasons it looks like high altitude sickness. The second program we’re seeing is the pleura program in the CA phase. The pleura are the membranes that line the lungs and the chest cavity and there is always a little fluid between the membranes. This program is a conflict of an attack against the chest. Examples of this in plain English are: “The doctor told me I have pneumonia”; and even having a bad cough right now in the time of Covid19 could do it. Think of it as a fear for your heart, your lungs, your chest. There is cell growth in the conflict active phase so these membranes get thicker to protect us against further attacks which causes chest tightness. . eventually, months later, when the lungs have reduced functioning, we’ll see breathing difficulties. Just to give you context, this thickening is often associated with asbestos and air quotes: mesothelioma. Doctors are seeing the beginning stages of the pleura program. It’s a few weeks or months of pleural thickening. In the healing phase? Chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath due to the buildup of fluid. The 3rd program we’re seeing is with the pulmonary blood vessels. These are the blood vessels that go between your heart and your lungs. They move blood with oxygen from the lungs to the heart and blood without oxygen from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen. The blood vessel program is a self-devaluation and, in this case, we’re seeing that the coughing issues, the breathing issues or the potential for breathing issues, the fear of Covid19, the territorial fear program running in the bronchials- this creates a perfect storm in which we feel less than or devalued in the chest. Like there is something wrong with us there. There is cell loss in the CA phase and cell replenishment in the healing phase and we’re seeing patients in the healing phase or in hanging healings due to conflict relapses. In the healing phase there is swelling and inflammation in arteries and veins and this is what doctors are seeing. Blood Clots Let’s look at the increase in blood clots. I’ve heard two things about blood clots: Dr. H said that they are NOT caused by a conflict shock. They are a mechanical issue and are caused by immobility so if someone is on a ventilator, they’re not exactly exercising and moving around. They develop in the healing phase of the blood vessels which is exactly what we are seeing. There is also a newer definition – and I’m just the messenger here -giving you food for thought: the newer conflict is that it’s a solidarity conflict. That people have to stick together in solidarity to be safe. Think of red blood cells sticking together. Ummm….yeah…..I would say this is what most of us are experiencing. In the CA phase, there is an increase in blood clotting factors making the blood thicker. This slows down the blood which presents the perfect environment for internal immobility. We see inactivity due to being in bed because you’re sick or on a ventilator and we see an increase in blood clots. I always find it fascinating when we are presented with the possibility of another conflict for a program. The 4th program is the KCT – the kidney collecting tubule program. It’s the abandonment/isolation/ hospitalization conflict and when we are in any healing phase and we feel abandoned or isolated, then the KCT program starts as a 2nd program and it’s called the syndrome. It influences every healing phase occurring in the body and causes more edema – more liquid, more swelling. This means the healing phase just got a lot more complicated and a lot more dangerous. With the Syndrome, we see an increase of fluid in the lungs, in the pleura, and in the blood vessels which means more edema, more pressure, and organs that become stressed and overwhelmed with liquid. At some point early in the running of these 4 programs, the symptoms resemble high altitude sickness. Recapping: These 4 programs:
They often see these singly and often in a later stage. Now they’re seeing them all together and in a fairly young stage –they’ve been running for a few weeks or a few months. What does this mean? I just told you about 19 symptoms; some occur in several programs and 4 occur in any healing phase.
What does that tell us? In my thoughts it means that experiencing the lockdowns and quarantines are the cause of many of the issues started seeing after lockdowns began in Italy. And remember: these symptoms occur after the healing phase or during hanging healings. What this means for us now is that we want to downgrade our anxiety and fear – if we even have any of these – slowly and steadily so the healing phase – if we even have one - will be less intense than what we’re seeing now. Educate yourself and others, if they are open to it, about GNM because just having this knowledge can make a huge difference. There you have it. And like I mentioned earlier, this is my opinion on the symptoms as they stand now – it’s April 30th as I write this – we’ll see what changes come down the pike and I’ll update when needed. Take care! Write comments below, be in touch, look definitely look at my online programs for learning GNM at Thank you for being here and I’ll catch you next time. UO3Wd5urg0&fbclid=IwAR2PCTgCNUjo078I26KwehjjxBhdhEiIO0P_elrFdjiXxbtnz6p9u0AhRd Q 2019-vs-the-flu 2020-4 considered-bizaare-symptom.htm young-people/ covid-19-screen?src=RSS_PUBLIC#1 inability-to-arouse heart-brain-blood-lungs/ I've heard from quite a few of you since I made my very first Corona virus podcast. Many of you have concerns, and I want to address those. Today I’ll be reviewing conspiracy theories, Italy, and I'll also end with some tips for you and your families. Please remember: this is all from a German New Medicine perspective and it's my opinion. This is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medica advice. 5G – Did it cause COVID19? Let’s first review the 5G theory that some say began the corona virus pandemic. I’ll explore the specifics of this to see if it makes sense from a GNM perspective. The rollout of 5G in China, from what I can figure, first occurred in April of 2019 in Shenzhen, a city of 12 million people which is 560 miles away from Wu Han China. Looking at the statistics, no one immediately experienced what we would call the Corona virus or Covid19 so if 5G causes this, why wouldn't these people have gotten sick? They should have been the first people in China to get sick and they weren’t. There is no logic there. The first case they had was January 14th which was nine months after the 5G rollout. Again, this doesn't make sense. At the end of October, 2019 China announced it was rolling out 5G on November 1st in five major cities, which means if the Corona virus is caused by 5G, it would have begun equally in all five cities. But it didn't. Symptoms began only in one of those five cities, and that was Wuhan. And I'll refer you to my earlier blog entitled “Coronavirus – A GNM View” published on Feb. 10th on what occurred in Wuhan that I believe began the symptoms. Let me be clear: I'm not a proponent of 5G. Does it weaken the body? I have no doubt about it, but that's not the same as causing conflict shocks. And what we know about the five biological laws that Dr. Hamer discovered, is that all diseases begin with a conflict shock and the diseases assist us in times of unexpected distress. In other words, diseases are a survival mechanism. I mentioned that 5G may weaken the body and yes, it can weaken the vital energy of the body and this can be true of all EMF's at certain intensities over a period of time. This is, however, quite different from causing a conflict shock, which then follows the two phase pattern that Dr. Hamer discovered. How we perceive a conflict shock is unique to each individual and our own unique makeup and it is the perception of our innate intelligence, the psyche, that determines how we experience it. The real culprit in my mind of 5G are your beliefs about 5G. If you are super upset about 5G and you're worked up about it, posting memes, protesting, etc. you're much more apt to have a conflict shock with 5G then if you're relaxed about it and you're calmly putting EMF blockers around your house if you feel moved to do so. Thus, the issue that needs to be addressed concerning 5G is your belief system. I don't see 5G as the cause of the Covid19 because it doesn't make sense and it doesn't fit the timeline. Bat Poop & Bioweapons Now let's look at bat poop as the potential culprit of Covid19 and we'll also look at the genetic manipulation of the Corona virus as a bioweapon. And these are actually rather similar from a GNM view. The belief is that the supposed Corona virus was manipulated in the Biolab in Wuhan and made into a bioweapon that was intentionally or accidentally released in Wuhan. It’s a similar principle to the bats that live in Wuhan who supposedly have the Corona virus in their poop, and thus, they spread it all around the city and that makes people sick. Both of these have the premise that number 1: viruses exist, and 2: they make us sick when we come into contact with them. Neither of these is accurate. Let’s look at this from a GNM perspective. I'll refer you to "Virus Mania," which is a book, and now a PDF that you can get free on my website, on my website. It gives you real information from real scientists about the particles that other researchers are saying are viruses. If viruses don't exist, which is what the premise of Virus Mania is, then what are doctors looking at under the microscope? Other researchers say they’re looking at strands of poly peptides - of proteins - that our bodies create. They actually don't always look for these. They look for what they call "antibodies," which are also made of protein that supposedly only occur when a virus is present…..except when they see them when the virus isn’t present, but that’s another story. There's a lot more of this in Virus Mania, so I'm going to refer you to the book because those are the scientists - I am not. Let's get back to bat poop and bioweapons. Two exciting topics. Let me be clear: the bats in Wuhan are not spreading the Corona virus because the Corona virus doesn't exist. There's really nothing more I can say about this. The people in Wuhan who displayed these first symptoms were in the healing phase I described in my first corona blog, and the "spread" of this is due to the territorial fear. That's what's spreading: it's the fear. Let's look at bioweapons, and first I want to start with a story. It’s Not About The Water Americans have this thing. It's this belief that if they go to Mexico to vacation and they drink the water, they might get Montezuma's revenge, which means they'll have massive diarrhea and they'll blame it on the water. However, this doesn't happen to everyone who vacations in Mexico and drinks the water. Why not? Because water is not the culprit. For the people who have diarrhea, they just resolve their indigestible morsel conflict. Maybe they'd been hating their job for months and they'd been looking forward to escape the daily grind by going to Mexico. Once they arrive in Mexica, they resolved their conflict because they were away from work and they then go into the healing phase, which means they then have symptoms. It's not about the water. If it was about the water, then all Americans would get sick from it and they don't. What’s different in Mexico? What's different in Mexico is that the microbes that are in the air, in the plants, in the food, in the water and so forth are different all over the world and the microbes in Mexico are somewhat different from the ones in the US. So when we're exposed to microbes that our body is not familiar with because they don't live where we live, then when we have a healing phase, it can be a little bit more complicated and more uncomfortable because these new microbes are trying to help you return to homeostasis. They're trying to help you with the cell growth or replenish cell loss, and because they're new, the healing phase will look different than if we're in our usual environment. Bioweapons What I just described also describes the idea of bioweapons. We know bioweapons can't be viral because viruses don't exist. They could, however, be bacterial because bacteria exist. In German New Medicine, we know that mycobacteria such as TB bacteria and non-mycobacteria such as streptococcus or staphylococcus, exist and they assist us in the healing phase. This means they'll be active in our body with a specific task to do at the same time we have symptoms, which is why the incorrect belief began that they actually cause the symptoms. They don't. They assist in returning our bodies to homeostasis. Well, let's face it: in nature too much of any one good thing can be deadly.
It then makes sense that you could, in theory, take a substance from nature such as a bacteria and concentrate it and give it to a group of people. Then the question becomes, will 100% of them get sick? Well, I don't know. I don't have a definitive answer to that, however, I would suspect they do not all get sick. Even if 95% of them get sick, there's another factor at play here. German New Medicine tells us that that other factor is the biological program that those 95% were running. The new bacteria in their body then createed a healing phase that's more complicated, just like drinking the water in Mexico.
If you know of any scientists with this answer, let me know! And all of this is to say that there is no bioweapon made by the Corona virus because it's just not possible. It might be possible if it was a bacteria, but that doesn't mean everyone would have symptoms. To have symptoms, they would probably have to be in the healing phase of the biological program in which those particular bacteria are active. Three Current Programs Remember that the healing phase that people are having all over the world right now is of 3 possible programs of nature that are following the two phase pattern perfectly. This tells me that these are natural healing phases. They are not caused by a bioweapon or bad poop. Quick recap of these three programs: 1. Bronchial program, which is a territorial fear conflict or the laryngeal program, which affects the larynx which is a scare fright conflict. Whether it impacts in the bronchioles or the larynx is determined by the gender, laterality and hormone status of the individual. 2. The second program is the kidney collecting tubule program, and that's from feeling abandoned, and we know that people in Wuhan felt abandoned by their government. And now we're seeing more isolation in different countries because of quarantines so it would make sense that people are more apt to experience the kidney collecting tubule program. It can also be the anticipation of the quarantine that begins the kidney collecting tubule program. We also see a lot of people hoarding right now. They're hoarding food and water, and here in the United States, they're hoarding toilet paper and ammo. This is an indication they may be running two kidney collecting tubule programs and when people don't feel safe, they hoard. The bronchial program with the kidney collecting tubule program create what we call pneumonia, and that can be deadly. 3. The third program is the sinus mucosa program. These are "stink" conflicts. "This stinks." "This is lousy." So when you're conflict active with this program, you're feeling just fed up. "I've had it." "This is awful." The healing phase will be the common cold. Interestingly, when I looked up the symptoms of CoVID19 a month ago they are different than what are listed now. Stink conflicts appear to be on the rise, which I think is a good thing because it's a common cold versus bronchitis. To me, It's less intense and perhaps less uncomfortable. Italy I promised some folks I'd discuss Italy because it was the second country in the world to have an increase in the Corona virus and its death toll has now surpassed that of China. Why was Italy hit so hard after China was, and I'll share with you what I've been able to figure out, but let's first look at the numbers. The number of diagnosed cased of COVID19 in Italy
Hm. That is fascinating. And it's a big clue. We'll come back to that.
My Theory Here’s my theory. Remember we have symptoms after the conflict has been resolved, which means large amounts of people resolved their conflicts right around the same time. My theory is that when they were put into quarantine, they got out of fear because they think it's something that spreads. Their nervous system relaxed. Perhaps they thought: "Oh, okay, we're under quarantine. Nothing's going to come in. We're safe now." And somehow by feeling safe, they resolve their conflict and that put them into the healing phase. That's what I can figure. What do you think? Let me know. Especially if you live in Italy. What is going on Italy now? Remember it started in Northern Italy, and from what I can tell, there's a lot of economic and political turmoil in Italy, but that's been going on for years. We also saw that there were floods and landslides in October of 2019. Could there have been some conflict shocks there? Possibly. But truly what we're looking at is the fear. The first three people in Italy had come from Wuhan, China. People heard that. And the fear, I believe, started their conflict shocks. And it appears that quarantines help people resolve their conflict shocks. Which simply means we'll see an increase in the number of people diagnosed after governments implement limitations. The types of testing they're doing is affecting the numbers as well. What to do?? I don't think quarantine is the answer but I'm not the one in charge. Quarantine appears to put people into resolution and they'll go into the healing phase. Quarantine also isolates us, which can kick in the kidney collecting tubule program, which means we take on more water, which means our cold or bronchitis can be more complicated. I’m assuming if you’ve made it this far down the page that you know some GNM. You know that we all have to develop the tools and techniques to downgrade our own fear and our own feelings of isolation. And there's all different ways of doing that. This will be individual for everyone. Some people do it with EFT, the tapping method, or acupressure, or meditation, or by simply distracting your mind. I’m encouraging all of you to think practical:
Otherwise, I'm not really paying attention to it other than alerts I get on my phone from my county that tell me what I need to know to live here. I hear enough from my family and my neighbors, so I stay informed without being dragged into the drama of the news. And I'm truly too busy to be bothered by the hysteria. It's way too interesting being an observer of it, instead, and that is what I would encourage all of you to do.
Have normal conversations, too. Don't focus all your talk on your government or how terrible living conditions are right now.
You've probably all seen the videos of people in Italy who are singing to each other from their balconies, and that's what we need to do right now, find new ways to be together in the world.
Anyone can take them at any time, so check out my websites.
A Caution I caution about sharing German New Medicine with others at this time. The sheer mass of healing symptoms right now has created a group consciousness of fear and our governments are making changes in regard to that fear. And if you don't follow your community's guidelines, you can be ostracized. Realize that not everyone is open to hearing new ideas right now. They're in too much fear and they're trying to follow the rules because they think if they follow the rules, they'll survive. And you don't need somebody getting into your face telling you you're not following the rules, right? We don't need more isolation, especially those of us who know GNM! So, please follow the rules where you live and share compassion with everyone you encounter. Everyone's doing the best they can, and when they're overrun with fear, that is, unfortunately, the best they can do right then. If you have an opportunity to introduce GNM. Go for it but wait for that opportunity. You know GNM. By doing your best, you might appear to be a lot calmer than others who are in fear and that, in turn, may be calming to them. I do a silent "Namaste" to everyone when I see them. If I walk past them and I see a panicked look on their face that I maybe walked a little too close I say, Namaste in my head which means: The God in me acknowledges the God in you. It helps me remember to see the divine in every one of us. And that helps me to just understand their fear and acknowledge it, but not get caught up in it.
It's a new journey for each of us to discover new ways of being in the world. Thanks for reading this and thanks for being here and please keep in touch. In Joy, Andi You can listen to this as a podcast, or even watch me recording this as an as a video . if you're not familiar with German New Medicine, I'm going to refer you to the blog entitled, “What is German New Medicine?” because it will give you the basis to understand this episode. What is the coronavirus? It sounds like it's a new virus, but it's not. It was first isolated in 1937 from bronchitis in birds. It was first found in humans in the 1960s. There are seven different kinds of it currently. If you remember SARS and MERS, they are both adaptations of what they believe is the Corona virus. I want to point out that there is controversy in the medical field itself about the existence of viruses, so anytime I mention the word "virus," I'll also say: if they exist, and, from a GNM perspective, viruses assist in cell replenishment in the healing phase. What is an epidemic? Let’s look at what is an epidemic from a GNM perspective, since the authorities now consider this an epidemic. An epidemic is when a group of people experience the same or similar conflict shocks around the same time, and it gets resolved around the same time. They will all go into the healing phase around the same time. This is how it starts. There's another circumstance that occurs when it starts to spread, and I'll talk about that soon. What happened in Wuhan, China? The first thing we do is determine the conflict shock to see what occurred in that particular area. What got them so upset that it started a biological program for many of the residents? It’s very easy to discover this because of the internet. So what, the quick, a couple of quick searches, I found it in Wuhan China, which is where the, the virus, the symptoms began. First, know that Wuhan is the largest city in central China. There are 11 million people there. The first symptoms started around December and they were reported on late December and they became more publicized in January. The Timeline in Wuhan We always have to look at the timeline to see what was the conflict shock. And as it turns out, the Wuhan area had a pretty major conflict that started small around June and it escalated in July of 2019. Tracing this back, their conflicts may have even begun when the government put in a landfill in their area in 2007 and within five years it exceeded capacity. The air quality was already very poor in the region. The groundwork water had been polluted for a decade, and now they wanted to have a dirt landfill adding to the issues which they did 2007. It was at capacity in 2012 so this is a mess. Residents have not been happy campers or healthy campers for quite a while there. Not So Smart So the government decided to build a waste incinerator power plant in this region. The 400,000 residents in this particular area of the city, when they first learned about this, that was about mid June of 2019, they started to organize a petition about it. 20 people were instantly arrested for posting it on social media. So then 10,000 people show up from their apartments nearby in this industrial area, and they had a massive street protest in early July. It was a very spontaneous action by the local people. They were angry that their local officials were ignoring their health concerns. So the government sent out a thousand riot police to beat up these folks and to detain some of them. There were a large number of injuries reported. One resident said that it was unacceptable to build a waste incinerator in a densely populated residential area, that it was too harmful for the people's lives, for their health. So this was really concerning and upsetting for these folks. And what's interesting is I saw a person from this region who asked the hypothetical question, "What government really speaks up for the people?" And he said, "none of them do." And that sentiment was very common for many of these residents. The government doesn't care about us, it doesn't care about our health. And we'll see why this is important in a few minutes. Government Intervenes So after the protest, the government feared the Wuhan protesters would communicate with the anti-extradition protests that were in Hong Kong and they're thinking, "Oh, we're going to have protest after protest. It's going to swell." That wasn't good for the Chinese government so they cut off, they blocked, all the cell phone signals in Wuhan right after this happened. They're angry, they're upset, their health isn't robust anyway from all the pollution, and now they can't even communicate. The local government, the district government there had responded to the protest at that point saying it would consult more widely with local people, and we won't go ahead with this project until everyone consents. Well, the residents didn't believe them. This was in July after the outbursts, after the protest. They didn't have any faith in the authorities because they'd already tried this stunt a year previous with the former administration in the government. They were going to put in this incinerator project and there were protests, and so the government said, okay, we won't do that right. Well, six months later, government change changes, and then they decided again, "Oh, we're going to start this plan again," so people thought it was resolved and it was brought back the next year. No wonder they didn't trust their government. They didn't believe that government officials would do the right thing for the local people. Quick Recap This is an area, a densely populated residential area. They'd been living with poor air and poor water quality due to this overfilled local landfill, and the government wanted to build an incinerator. Lots of riots occurred, 10,000 people in a protest, people were arrested, they were beaten, their cell phone signals were blocked so they couldn't communicate with other parts of China. Okay. That's a lot. And that's huge. And that's for this whole area. The GNM View of Corona So let's look at the Corona virus illness from a GNM perspective and to do that, we have to look at the symptoms. Saying that you have a virus doesn't mean anything, especially if viruses don't exist other than it's a cerebral cortex biological program that is running. Because the viruses, if they exist, would assist in cell replenishment of the cerebral cortex program like I have already mentioned and, ultimately, that is not super helpful information. So we have to really look at the body part and the symptoms in order to figure this out. According to the CDC, the symptoms of those who have died are fever, cough, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, pneumonia. We know a fever is present in a lot of healing phases so that's how we know the conflict has been resolved because you have fever in the first phase of the healing phase. That's nothing new, that's just data. But coughing, shortness of breath and pneumonia. Here we go. For men, this issue is a territorial fear conflict. They were afraid to have an incinerator built in their town, adding to the toxic waste they were living in because they believed it would further degrade their health, and they felt like the government didn't care about them like the government had betrayed them and abandoned them. Territorial fear conflict for men. For women, it was a scare-fright conflict. What's interesting is that as of February 2nd 71% of the people with the Coronavirus were male, so more men were affected than women. During the conflict active phase of a territorial fear conflict or a scare fright conflict there is ulceration for.... This is for the men, it will be in the bronchials. For women, it will be in the laryngeal mucosa. But for the men, it's the bronchial mucosa and there's ulceration, so there's cell loss. We're losing cells in our bronchials. The purpose of that is to widen the bronchial passages so we can get more air into the lungs so we can better survive this conflict so we can breathe, because breathing is very, very important for humans,for any animal, any living being. There are no symptoms in the conflict active phase so when they were upset in July and August, even September, maybe it starts to downgrade September, October, November, there was still cell loss going on until it got resolved. And in the healing phase, that started around December from what I can figure, and that's when we have cell replenishment . And that's when the viruses, if they exist, would have gone to work, helping our bodies to recover from the cell loss. And of course, this is what we call bronchitis. What Turns This Deadly This is all well and good, but most people don't die from bronchitis. And as of this, as, as of when I'm recording this, about 420 of people have already died. This is where it gets very fascinating because the people are dying from pneumonia. Now from a GNM perspective, what is pneumonia? Well, it's bronchitis with a second, an additional program, that's also running called the kidney collecting tubule program. The Syndrome We call it the Syndrome when it occurs in the healing phase of another program. So let me back up. We have a healing phase of one program. If the kidney collecting tubule program begins because of the conflict shock then we have a second program running and the shock for that is an abandonment or existence conflict. "We're abandoned." "How are we going to survive this additional incinerator in our environment, in our community." This is what occurred for them. What happens is the kidney collecting tubules increase the fluid retention in the body, in that healing phase. So the bronchials have cell loss in the conflict active phase and now it's the healing phase. There's cell replenishment, so there's already swelling, pain, swelling, inflammation. But now we have the kidney program running as well because of the abandonment existence conflict and now there's more water retention in that area. You can see how that would make the bronchitis much more complicated and severe, and in the healing phase, the epi-crisis may be too severe for them to survive. And that's how you die from what we call "pneumonia." So pneumonia from a GNM perspective is bronchitis with the Syndrome, which is the kidney collecting tubule program, also running. Much more complicated, and that's what's happening in China. How It "Spreads" As we know, it has "spread" beyond China. What's happening there? If you lived in Wu Han during July and August, and so when the protests were going on and all of this, then you would have had that same conflict shock and if you then traveled to another place and whenever the healing phase started, in this case, December, January, you would have gone into your healing phase at the same time as well. Not everybody has been to Wuhan, China, I believe. And so what happens is fear. Because we think this spreads, we think we're going to catch someone else's healing phase. And of course that's impossible, but we do think it's caused by something and we think that we can catch that in our body. So, this fear - remember it's a territorial fear conflict or a scare fright conflict - this fear starts this program in people who have never been to the Wu Han province, to that area. As of this writing, 78% of the people that are in the healing phase are in this province in China, however, I'm sure it's going to expand. The sick people in Wuhan who were present for the original collective conflict shock with the government, are going into the healing phase around the same time. But for everyone diagnosed with this outside of Wuhan, who supposedly "caught" this virus, it's not from going into the healing phase of the original conflict. Instead, they are having healing phases because of fear or because maybe they had a similar conflict shock in their area around the same time and went into the healing phase in their area as well. Nothing is spreading, folks, except fear. Remember, this is a territorial fear/scare fright conflict! Fear is the only thing that is contagious here. People who fear the "virus" or the symptoms, or if they are afraid they will die from this, will all eventually go into a healing phase but, of course, they think they "caught" a virus. So what can you do? Well, learn German new medicine. Try to stay out of fear and be smart. Be GNM smart about the choices that you make and how you live your life. I hope this has been helpful! Thank you so much for joining me. I would love to hear from you. So what would you like me to discuss on this podcast? Leave me a note. I'll see you next time! Links to Resources: You can listen to this as a podcast, or watch it as a video. Today, we're looking at a study that explored whether or not laughter helps folks with IBS and we'll look at this from it GNM perspective. IBS is Common Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common chronic gastrointestinal disorder. According to the Mayo clinic, symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea or constipation or both. The main objective of the study was to see what was more effective for physical, GI tract symptoms and to reduce the anxiety that is often associated with IBS:
Each of them was assigned randomly to either the laughter yoga group, the antianxiety medication group, or the control group, which experienced nothing. The severity levels of their anxiety and the GI tract symptoms before and after laughter yoga and the meds were determined and compared among the three groups. And the results were that the severity of the IBS symptoms were more greatly reduced in the laughter yoga group than in the anti-anxiety medication group and the control group. Laughter Won! They concluded that laughter yoga is more effective than antianxiety meds in reducing the GI tract symptoms of patients with IBS. So the question is: Why would laughter be more effective than meds at reducing the severity of the physical symptoms? The answer from a GNN perspective is because laughter addresses what we'll call the root cause of IBS. In other words, it addresses the conflict shock that was experienced. Let’s go deeper! Why Laughter Won The conflict that initiates what is known as "IBS" is an indigestible morsel conflict. It's also known as an indigestible chunk conflict. What the heck is that, right?! In the animal kingdom, it’s some sort of distress about food such as not catching their prey, not having enough to eat, etc. For humans it's usually figurative. It's an idea, an event, some news, a situation, something that's difficult to accept, something too difficult to digest in your life. In the case of the colon, which is where “IBS” takes place, it's a rather ugly conflict such as a horrible divorce, fighting with siblings about an inheritance, betrayed by someone that you love. All are distressing events that are difficult to accept in your life. Let’s say Jane & Jim are having a nasty divorce. Lots of disputes about the house, the kids, and it's been dragging on for a year. Jane experienced a conflict shock when she learned Jim was contesting the divorce. She is now getting letters from Jim’s attorney and it’s a difficult experience. Because we know GNM, we know that Dr. Hamer discovered there is cell growth in the conflict active phase for this particular program. Her body knew exactly what to do to help her get through this easier so her brain directed her colon to grow extra cells to increase the amount of digestive juices so she could digest that morsel. Logical, right? It makes no difference if it’s a physical morsel (food) or a figurative morsel (an event). From a biological standpoint, they are both threats to which our hardwiring responds. Once the conflict is resolved, the divorce is sorted out and resolutions reached, Jane’s microbes are turned on and they will remove these extra cells because they are no longer needed. This healing phase may be uncomfortable with diarrhea, blood in stools, abdominal cramping, and night sweats. This is what is commonly called, “being sick,” or “having a disease.” If Jane isn’t able to resolve this quickly, she may have conflict relapses which will start the program over again. Jane realizes that going to the mailbox is incredibly stressful because there may be another letter from her husband’s attorney. The first one she received was a shock and now the mailbox is seen as a danger from your psyche. Heading to the mailbox is now anxiety-ridden and the program is activated again. If this occurs enough, Jane’s body will be stuck in a cycle of cell growth, then incomplete cell breakdown, then cell growth, then incomplete cell breakdown. This is when her doctor gave her the label of “IBS.” What does laughter do? We already know that the medications didn't reduce the anxiety enough to reduce the physical symptoms. But the Laughter yoga, made an impact. Why? I checked out which hosts the Laughter Yoga University. I've experienced Laughter Yoga before, and it’s really a lot of fun. What's interesting is your body doesn't see the difference between real laughter and fake laughter……just like it can’t tell the difference between a physical or figurative morsel conflict. Real or fake – your body knows to respond. The benefits of laughter include:
Bingo. So how would laughter yoga help Jane? It would give her hope and optimism so she could better cope with the stresses due to the divorce. Her conflict shock and conflict active phase would have been less intense. Thus, her healing phase would also not have been as intense. Perhaps she wouldn’t have even received the label of “IBS.” If Jane did laughter yoga right before checking the mailbox, her feel-good biochemicals are increased which means the shock of seeing another letter from the attorney may not be seen as such a threat which downgrades the entire program. Laughter, then, plays a part at minimizing or interrupting the cycle of cell growth and cell breakdown. Please pass this on to anyone you know who's been diagnosed with IBS and maybe it can help them and share this on your social media. I'd love to hear from you; let me know what else you'd like me to talk about. Hope to see you next time. Until later. Links to Resources: IBS info: Pubmed Study on Laughter Yoga and IBS: Laughter yoga: You can listen to this as a podcast or watch a video of this episode. New Paradigm In this post, I'm sharing with you the basics of German New Medicine. Have you ever heard of it? Many have not in the US. It’s more well-known in Europe, however, it's definitely starting to grow here in the United States. My goal is simply to get you thinking about your health, your wellness and about your belief systems because those play a big part in how we look at the symptoms we have and the choices we make. German New Medicine is an entirely new paradigm about your symptoms and your diseases, why you have them, how you got them, what their natural progression is, and how they will naturally resolve. Let me say right up front: This isn’t information you're going to get from a healthcare provider or even a holistic health practitioner. But, if you're open to learning outside the box, then I think this info will be intriguing. Personally, I think healthcare in America is broken. Raise your hand if you agree. I think it's built around an incorrect model and I think there's a lot of companies that make people sick and keep them sick for profit. For me, that doesn't work. To me, that has to change because it's not sustainable. One way that we can change that is to educate ourselves about what's really going on in our bodies. Americans are Sicker The World Health Organization says that Americans are sicker than most of the developed world, and we spend a lot more money on healthcare than our counterparts in other countries. Why is that? Again, it comes back to sickness for profit in our country.
Education is Important So let's educate ourselves and one way to do that is by learning the life's work discoveries of one German physician. His name is Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, and I'm going to tell you his story. This story starts in 1978. Dr Hamer is a traditionally trained physician, lives in Germany. One day he gets a phone call that his teenage son, Dirk, had been accidentally shot while he was on vacation. Four months later, Dirk died in his arms and shortly after that, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Now he's a smart guy, and he started to think, okay, I've got this trauma and now I've got this cancer, but there's got to be a correlation here. He's not going to body, mind, spirit like you and I might. He's not thinking, "Oh my gosh, I had trauma and now I have symptoms. Of course that makes sense," especially if you've studied Louise Hay.... you totally get that. Not. He's a traditionally trained physician. I imagine that would have been emotional woowoo for him, so he's not thinking that. The Brain as the Cause of Disease After he had surgery, he started to look at the brain as the cause of disease. He was starting to think, "Okay, something's going on in the body. I've got to figure this out. It has to do with trauma. I'm going to look at the brain." No one had ever looked at the brain as the cause of disease before. He was now working at the University of Munich and he was the head internist in their cancer area. For the previous 10 years, CT scans had been on the rise. Hospitals were starting to use them more and more. He decided to take CT scans of all his patients. Why not? Right? CT Scans Reveal He discovered that every single one of his patients, including himself, had a circle, a lesion, a targeted ring formation in their brain in different locations. Well, what the heck was that? He contacted the company that made the CT equipment and they said, "Oh, you know, it's nothing. It's just an artifact." He started to think there was something to this so he started talking with his patients. What had gone on in their life prior to their diagnosis? A Big Clue As it turns out, every single one of them had had some sort of trauma or distressing event. Hmmm. He thought he was onto something because he, too, had had trauma prior to his diagnosis. He started to correlate all this information, their medical histories, their brain CT scans, all the stuff that had gone on in their life and he started to see a pattern, and this is where it gets super fascinating. OMG! He started to realize that everyone with the same kind of trauma had this circle in the same place in the brain, and they all had the same diagnosis of cancer. Okay, so take a deep breath. I'm going to say this one more time because it is big. Everyone in the cancer clinic at the University of Munich with the circle in the same area of the brain had all experienced the same kind of emotional trauma or distressing event, and they all had the same cancer. There were no exceptions to this. It was true in 100% of them. Modern Medicine Today Let's look at modern medicine today. What do we have that would be considered 100% true? Do all smokers get lung cancer? Well, no they don't. The Journal of Theoretics says that if there is one exception, that it isn't true. So because not everyone who smokes gets cancer, smoking is not a cause of cancer. Again, what I'm teaching you is an entirely new paradigm. It's a new perspective on what's going on in our body. New Paradigm What's a paradigm? It's a model. It's a view of something. So think of gravity. I think we all believe in the paradigm of gravity, at least. I think we do. Scientists have researched it. They figured out what it is. They can measure it, and even though we can't see it, we can see the effects of it. We know that if you drop a pen right, it's going to go down. It's not going to go up. Gravity is a paradigm that we all believe; we have all cognized it. What, in allopathic medicine and modern medicine, do we all believe? Well, truly the beliefs that we've grown up with are theories, and they're not true 100% of the time, which means there's something else at play here. Germs Cause Disease, right? We have been led to believe that germs cause disease. So, do you always get a cold if you were just around somebody who had a cold? If you just breathe the air, they were breathing? No. We've also been led to believe that our cells will suddenly go rogue and travel through the blood and maybe the lymph. They don't really know how they get to other parts of the body and cause what they call, “metastasized cancer.” So why isn't donated blood tested for cancer? I checked it out. It's not. Heart Attacks What about heart attacks? They say it's from clogged arteries, from cholesterol, and new studies show that millions of people with existing heart disease have clean coronary arteries. Okay, so do studies show that the higher your cholesterol, the more susceptible you are to heart disease? No. In fact, the opposite is true. The higher your cholesterol, the longer you live. Again, it's a theory. It's not 100% true for all living beings so obviously Dr. Hamer's discoveries are very contrary to what we now have. And I imagine as a traditionally trained physician, his mind was probably boggled. "Oh my gosh, this is nothing like what I was taught in med school. What is going on here? What have I discovered and who the heck is ever going to believe me?" The Cause of Every Disease He spent years correlating the CT scans he was looking at with the medical histories, and he was able to figure out the cause of every disease that we have. He discovered the cause of every symptom. It's no longer a mystery why one person is diagnosed with one disease and another person is diagnosed with a different disease. The Conflict Shock The premise of Dr. Hamer's work as that he discovered that every single disease starts with what he called a conflict shock. What is a conflict shock? It’s something that you were unaware of. It caught you unexpectedly. It was a shock to your system. What he says is that it's a shock to your psyche. The Psyche What is the psyche? It's not the Freudian definition of psyche, which involves the id, ego, super ego. It's not like that. This is Dr. Hamer's definition of the psyche and he is a physician so his definition is that the psyche is our nervous system, our brain, and our five senses. Our five senses are how we perceive the world around us. We hear it, we see it, we touch it, we smell it right? Our psyche, brain, and nervous system are all impacted at the moment of a conflict shock. And because it's unexpected, and we are hard wired for survival. our psyche then says, "Uh Oh, this is unexpected. We have to mobilize all the forces here in this body to make sure we're going to be safe, to make it through this issue." So changes occur in the body. Physiological changes. Think of the last time you were really stressed out. You could probably feel that your heart might have been pumping, your brain was busy processing the stressful events, and you were just stressed. Your blood was being shunted to your muscles because you were now running from that saber tooth tiger. Even though that saber tooth tiger might've been your boss who just piled a load of work on you in front of everyone and dressed you down and you felt about this tall, about an inch tall. What you know is that you're upset and when you're upset, you know it, you're focused on the issue. You're mulling it over in your brain. You're rehashing the events and figuring out different scenarios. You're trying to make sense of it, or maybe you're plotting your revenge. I don't know. The moment that this happens, there is a circle that appears in our brain at that moment of that conflict shock. Survival Mechanism Turns On Our psyche then turns on a program and this program is because we are hardwired for survival. The program makes physiological changes occur in the body to help us survive. It’s a survival mechanism. There are survival mechanisms all throughout nature. They're all around us. Think of plants. Roses have thorns that basically says, "Stay away. You're going to hurt yourself if you touch me." What about poisonous plants? Poison Ivy. Poison sumac. Poison Oak. If you touch it, you get a rash, it's going to be uncomfortable. They don't want to be touched. There are some plants that release chemicals, so the plants around it will then take notice and knows that there's danger. Not only plants, but animals have survival mechanisms in place as well. There's a certain squid that will chop off its own arm and leave it behind as a diversion so it can get away. Pretty smart. What about a possum? We know it plays dead, right? "Oh, I'm dead. You can leave me alone," and so it gets left alone. We all know what a skunk does; their scent is a survival mechanism. Think of a horse. I’m a horseback rider, so I love horses. They have eyes on each side of the head so they can see around them almost 360 degrees because they are a prey animal. They're constantly looking for danger, and if you have horses, you know this. Their nervous systems are heightened and they’re thinking: "Am I safe? Am I safe? Am I safe? What can I do if it's not safe?" We all know what a horse does, right? It can run really fast from the time it's born. These are all survival mechanisms that are built into nature. They're built into the natural organisms on this planet, and we are natural organisms. Why would we be any different? Well, we're not. We also have survival mechanisms, These are the biological programs that we, incidentally, share with animals. Three Biological Programs At the moment of the conflict shock a program starts in our body. One of three programs begins, and I'm not going to go into those programs now but just know it begins and we are instantly in one of the two phases that Dr. Hamer discovered. He realized that all diseases have two phases to them. Conflict Active The first one is called being conflict active, and it's when we're upset, that's what we feel. After your boss yells at you you're upset, you're shaky, you're not hungry anymore. You're wanting to go home and maybe live under a rock for a while. Physiological changes are occurring right then and there helping you to survive. Your nervous system has been turned on and we're in what we would call, fight or flight. Healing Phase Once we resolve this program, maybe we make peace with it, maybe the next day we talk with our boss and we work it out and there's an apology and our nervous system switches now into the second phase, which is called the healing phase. Some people call it the resolution phase because we had physiological changes when we were conflict active, when we were upset. In this healing phase, our brain is now going to direct our body to return to balance, to homeostasis. So, your body looks at the changes that occurred in the first phase, and it makes changes in the second phase to bring us back into balance. These changes are what we call being sick. There's pain, swelling, and inflammation to help bring us back into balance. How We “Catch” A Cold Let's look an example. Let's look at the common cold because that's something that most of us had experienced. Do you really catch a virus from somebody else? Something comes into our body and knows exactly where to go to give us exact symptoms? No. That's not an accurate description of what's occurring. What happened is that you had a stink conflict. What is a stint conflict? Well, something stinks. Something was lousy in your life, something you were fed up with. At the moment of the conflict shock, when you're totally fed up with something, you're psyche started a program that reduced the number of cells in your sinuses because your body wanted to help you survive this issue. “Let's not smell this person in anymore. Let's get away from this person.” This is so counterintuitive to what we've been taught. I know that. Hang in with me! So, we've had a stint conflict. We're upset. We're totally fed up. We're losing cells in our sinuses. Biologically, we don't want to smell that person that we're fed up with and were, and if we can't smell it, then our psyche says, well, we're no longer near then which means the crisis has been averted. This whole mechanism helps us to get away from it. Our psyche knows that losing cells in our sinuses will help us resolve this program. Let’s say you're on a city bus and somebody sits next to you who obviously has a bad cold. They're sneezing, they're coughing all over you, and you're thinking, "Oh my gosh, they're sitting right next to me. I can't believe this, they're spraying their germs all around me." Instantly you have a conflict shock. You are now losing cells in your sinuses right there on the bus so you could no longer smell this person that you don't want to be near. A few days later, you're away from this person. You're not even thinking about them anymore. Your psyche has realized, "Okay, we're not in any danger. We're away from that person. We lost cells. We need to refill them." Healing always takes place in a liquid environment, so our body brings liquid to our sinuses and that process helps us to replenish the holes that we created a few days ago on the bus. This is what we call a common cold. It's the healing phase of a stink conflict. Nothing has invaded you. There are no microbes that have entered to wreak havoc with you. The Real Role of Microbes In fact, microbes are helping you, which is why we always see microbes being active in the healing phase when you are “sick.” Yet what do we do? We take drugs to minimize all those symptoms, to get rid of the microbes. A better choice would be to support the healing phase. Maybe taking herbs, some homeopathy, some chicken soup, all of those things that we know that will help our bodies to recover sooner and easier. That's what's important. How GNM Helps Us German New Medicine gives us an entirely new perspective on how to help ourselves. For some programs, truly, surgery might be your best bet. Sometimes it's the worst thing you can do, but with GNM, you at least have a better understanding of when to use surgery, and even when to take pharmaceuticals or use holistic therapies, if at all. GNM is NOT A Modality It's not something you do like acupuncture or homeopathy or herbs or surgery or pharmaceuticals. GNM is a new understanding of physiology - of what's occurring in the body and why. Once we have this understanding, we have a much better picture of any actions to take. We know what's going on and why, then we can support it better and easier through the healing phase. No More Mysteries to Disease Dr. Harmer discovered the conflict shock that goes with every single disease - he mapped out the entire brain. There's no mystery as to why somebody gets the disease that they get. It's information that allows you to then support your body's innate ability to heal itself. And you're probably thinking, "Oh, I know somebody who's always eating right and always does the right thing, and yet they die of cancer." And yes, that happens and I will certainly explain that in at another time as I’m keeping it fairly basic right now. Let's go back to smoking, which I talked about earlier. Is Smoking the Cause of Lung Cancer? Does smoking cause cancer in 100% of the people who smoke? No. Well, in that case, then smoking is not the cause of lung cancer. What smoking does do, however, is that it weakens the lungs. We've all seen those pictures of the blackened lungs. Common sense tells us that's not healthy. Lungs blackened form tar are not healthy at all. The conflict shock that goes with the lungs is a death, fright, conflict. A death, fright, conflict, so " I'm going to die," or, "Somebody else is going to die." We have a whole culture of fear about smoking and smokers know that. This culture of fear is not helping smokers to resolve their programs. Our Culture of Fear The culture of fear is not helpful for anyone because fear makes every single program that runs in the body more complicated and severe. Also consider that people who have never smoked and yet they get lung cancer. Well, now we know exactly why. They experienced a conflict shock, a death fright conflict. Seemingly Paradoxical We probably all know somebody who's 85 years old who drinks whiskey every day. He smokes a cigar every day. He lives on white bread and in spam. He's never exercised a day in his life, and he's still going spry at 85, right? Who has an Uncle Joe like that? And we probably all know someone, let's say a 40 year old female who exercises and has a loving family, a wonderful husband. She meditates and she eats organic food. And she has a great support network and then BAM - she's diagnosed with cancer or fibromyalgia or something like that. Why do people think, "Oh, this doesn't make sense," and they don't understand why it doesn't make sense with conventional medicine, but with GNM, we know exactly why things like this happen. That's because we know the cause of all diseases, which are usually healing phases and they all originate from the conflict shock. GNM explains that. Freedom From The Fear Of Disease For me, one of the best things about GNM is the freedom of fear of disease. We have a culture of fear in our country. Let's face it, we've been taught to fear our bodies, to fear each other, to fear, the natural microbes that live inside us and also around us. These are microbes that, that physicians and researchers are just starting to realize are there. I think we've lost a connection to our bodies. I think we've lost an innate wisdom of our bodies and GNM helps us to get that back. I find it’s very empowering that when you understand what really caused the symptoms you have; you have this new perspective and it's something that people often understanding intuitively. I can't tell you the number of times when I've asked somebody, "Okay, so what was going on in your life five years ago, right before your symptoms began?" And they all will know, "Oh, well that's when my mother died," or, "That's when my divorce was final." People know intuitively what was going on in their lives around the time. We always work with the timeline and when you develop the timeline, you narrow down the conflict that was in everyone's life. And sometimes the conflict happens in utero or sometimes birth. GNM and Kids = True Empowerment = Change the Planet I love the thought of teaching this to kids. Can you imagine if we raised our kids to understand when they experienced a conflict shock? When they're in a conflict active phase? They could downgrade it sooner rather than later and so their healing phase, their sickness, will be a lot less complicated and less severe. Maybe they have a day of sniffles instead of having a full blown cold or flu. This is how GNM can empower us. It's awesome. I don't see that kind of empowerment coming from the business model of disease we currently have now. I truly believe we are hardwired for survival and we've forgotten that we are. To me, it's just common sense. I know that we have forgotten to trust our bodies. It's really up to us to get out of their way and support it as best we can. And this doesn't mean do nothing. I can hear people right now thinking, "Oh, she's saying we don't do anything." That's not at all what I'm saying but learn GNM and you'll understand this concept better. I think our chances of being healthy are really increased if we understand GNM before we have any sort of diagnosis, if possible. Because of our culture, diagnoses can create fear in our bodies. Like I said earlier, that makes things more complicated. I’m hoping I got you thinking today as I introduced a new paradigm to you. I'm hoping you understand at least a little bit more about German New Medicine and maybe I’ve piqued your curiosity. You can check out my online GNM programs. One is for the general population to be empowered with your help. The other is for holistic practitioners and healthcare providers to learn how to use German New Medicine with clients and patients. Drop me a line and let me know what else you'd like to learn about GNM. I look forward to that. Resources mentioned: Website: or for two online courses Hypothyroidism Statistics: diseases/hypothyroidism Asthma: Cancer stats: Blood testing: Heart: always-go-together 0 Comments |