![]() I've heard from quite a few of you since I made my very first Corona virus podcast. Many of you have concerns, and I want to address those. Today I’ll be reviewing conspiracy theories, Italy, and I'll also end with some tips for you and your families. Please remember: this is all from a German New Medicine perspective and it's my opinion. This is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medica advice. 5G – Did it cause COVID19? Let’s first review the 5G theory that some say began the corona virus pandemic. I’ll explore the specifics of this to see if it makes sense from a GNM perspective. The rollout of 5G in China, from what I can figure, first occurred in April of 2019 in Shenzhen, a city of 12 million people which is 560 miles away from Wu Han China. Looking at the statistics, no one immediately experienced what we would call the Corona virus or Covid19 so if 5G causes this, why wouldn't these people have gotten sick? They should have been the first people in China to get sick and they weren’t. There is no logic there. The first case they had was January 14th which was nine months after the 5G rollout. Again, this doesn't make sense. At the end of October, 2019 China announced it was rolling out 5G on November 1st in five major cities, which means if the Corona virus is caused by 5G, it would have begun equally in all five cities. But it didn't. Symptoms began only in one of those five cities, and that was Wuhan. And I'll refer you to my earlier blog entitled “Coronavirus – A GNM View” published on Feb. 10th on what occurred in Wuhan that I believe began the symptoms. Let me be clear: I'm not a proponent of 5G. Does it weaken the body? I have no doubt about it, but that's not the same as causing conflict shocks. And what we know about the five biological laws that Dr. Hamer discovered, is that all diseases begin with a conflict shock and the diseases assist us in times of unexpected distress. In other words, diseases are a survival mechanism. I mentioned that 5G may weaken the body and yes, it can weaken the vital energy of the body and this can be true of all EMF's at certain intensities over a period of time. This is, however, quite different from causing a conflict shock, which then follows the two phase pattern that Dr. Hamer discovered. How we perceive a conflict shock is unique to each individual and our own unique makeup and it is the perception of our innate intelligence, the psyche, that determines how we experience it. The real culprit in my mind of 5G are your beliefs about 5G. If you are super upset about 5G and you're worked up about it, posting memes, protesting, etc. you're much more apt to have a conflict shock with 5G then if you're relaxed about it and you're calmly putting EMF blockers around your house if you feel moved to do so. Thus, the issue that needs to be addressed concerning 5G is your belief system. I don't see 5G as the cause of the Covid19 because it doesn't make sense and it doesn't fit the timeline. Bat Poop & Bioweapons Now let's look at bat poop as the potential culprit of Covid19 and we'll also look at the genetic manipulation of the Corona virus as a bioweapon. And these are actually rather similar from a GNM view. The belief is that the supposed Corona virus was manipulated in the Biolab in Wuhan and made into a bioweapon that was intentionally or accidentally released in Wuhan. It’s a similar principle to the bats that live in Wuhan who supposedly have the Corona virus in their poop, and thus, they spread it all around the city and that makes people sick. Both of these have the premise that number 1: viruses exist, and 2: they make us sick when we come into contact with them. Neither of these is accurate. Let’s look at this from a GNM perspective. I'll refer you to "Virus Mania," which is a book, and now a PDF that you can get free on my website, on my www.biohealthworksInstitute.com website. It gives you real information from real scientists about the particles that other researchers are saying are viruses. If viruses don't exist, which is what the premise of Virus Mania is, then what are doctors looking at under the microscope? Other researchers say they’re looking at strands of poly peptides - of proteins - that our bodies create. They actually don't always look for these. They look for what they call "antibodies," which are also made of protein that supposedly only occur when a virus is present…..except when they see them when the virus isn’t present, but that’s another story. There's a lot more of this in Virus Mania, so I'm going to refer you to the book because those are the scientists - I am not. Let's get back to bat poop and bioweapons. Two exciting topics. Let me be clear: the bats in Wuhan are not spreading the Corona virus because the Corona virus doesn't exist. There's really nothing more I can say about this. The people in Wuhan who displayed these first symptoms were in the healing phase I described in my first corona blog, and the "spread" of this is due to the territorial fear. That's what's spreading: it's the fear. Let's look at bioweapons, and first I want to start with a story. It’s Not About The Water Americans have this thing. It's this belief that if they go to Mexico to vacation and they drink the water, they might get Montezuma's revenge, which means they'll have massive diarrhea and they'll blame it on the water. However, this doesn't happen to everyone who vacations in Mexico and drinks the water. Why not? Because water is not the culprit. For the people who have diarrhea, they just resolve their indigestible morsel conflict. Maybe they'd been hating their job for months and they'd been looking forward to escape the daily grind by going to Mexico. Once they arrive in Mexica, they resolved their conflict because they were away from work and they then go into the healing phase, which means they then have symptoms. It's not about the water. If it was about the water, then all Americans would get sick from it and they don't. What’s different in Mexico? What's different in Mexico is that the microbes that are in the air, in the plants, in the food, in the water and so forth are different all over the world and the microbes in Mexico are somewhat different from the ones in the US. So when we're exposed to microbes that our body is not familiar with because they don't live where we live, then when we have a healing phase, it can be a little bit more complicated and more uncomfortable because these new microbes are trying to help you return to homeostasis. They're trying to help you with the cell growth or replenish cell loss, and because they're new, the healing phase will look different than if we're in our usual environment. Bioweapons What I just described also describes the idea of bioweapons. We know bioweapons can't be viral because viruses don't exist. They could, however, be bacterial because bacteria exist. In German New Medicine, we know that mycobacteria such as TB bacteria and non-mycobacteria such as streptococcus or staphylococcus, exist and they assist us in the healing phase. This means they'll be active in our body with a specific task to do at the same time we have symptoms, which is why the incorrect belief began that they actually cause the symptoms. They don't. They assist in returning our bodies to homeostasis. Well, let's face it: in nature too much of any one good thing can be deadly.
It then makes sense that you could, in theory, take a substance from nature such as a bacteria and concentrate it and give it to a group of people. Then the question becomes, will 100% of them get sick? Well, I don't know. I don't have a definitive answer to that, however, I would suspect they do not all get sick. Even if 95% of them get sick, there's another factor at play here. German New Medicine tells us that that other factor is the biological program that those 95% were running. The new bacteria in their body then createed a healing phase that's more complicated, just like drinking the water in Mexico.
If you know of any scientists with this answer, let me know! And all of this is to say that there is no bioweapon made by the Corona virus because it's just not possible. It might be possible if it was a bacteria, but that doesn't mean everyone would have symptoms. To have symptoms, they would probably have to be in the healing phase of the biological program in which those particular bacteria are active. Three Current Programs Remember that the healing phase that people are having all over the world right now is of 3 possible programs of nature that are following the two phase pattern perfectly. This tells me that these are natural healing phases. They are not caused by a bioweapon or bad poop. Quick recap of these three programs: 1. Bronchial program, which is a territorial fear conflict or the laryngeal program, which affects the larynx which is a scare fright conflict. Whether it impacts in the bronchioles or the larynx is determined by the gender, laterality and hormone status of the individual. 2. The second program is the kidney collecting tubule program, and that's from feeling abandoned, and we know that people in Wuhan felt abandoned by their government. And now we're seeing more isolation in different countries because of quarantines so it would make sense that people are more apt to experience the kidney collecting tubule program. It can also be the anticipation of the quarantine that begins the kidney collecting tubule program. We also see a lot of people hoarding right now. They're hoarding food and water, and here in the United States, they're hoarding toilet paper and ammo. This is an indication they may be running two kidney collecting tubule programs and when people don't feel safe, they hoard. The bronchial program with the kidney collecting tubule program create what we call pneumonia, and that can be deadly. 3. The third program is the sinus mucosa program. These are "stink" conflicts. "This stinks." "This is lousy." So when you're conflict active with this program, you're feeling just fed up. "I've had it." "This is awful." The healing phase will be the common cold. Interestingly, when I looked up the symptoms of CoVID19 a month ago they are different than what are listed now. Stink conflicts appear to be on the rise, which I think is a good thing because it's a common cold versus bronchitis. To me, It's less intense and perhaps less uncomfortable. Italy I promised some folks I'd discuss Italy because it was the second country in the world to have an increase in the Corona virus and its death toll has now surpassed that of China. Why was Italy hit so hard after China was, and I'll share with you what I've been able to figure out, but let's first look at the numbers. The number of diagnosed cased of COVID19 in Italy
Hm. That is fascinating. And it's a big clue. We'll come back to that.
My Theory Here’s my theory. Remember we have symptoms after the conflict has been resolved, which means large amounts of people resolved their conflicts right around the same time. My theory is that when they were put into quarantine, they got out of fear because they think it's something that spreads. Their nervous system relaxed. Perhaps they thought: "Oh, okay, we're under quarantine. Nothing's going to come in. We're safe now." And somehow by feeling safe, they resolve their conflict and that put them into the healing phase. That's what I can figure. What do you think? Let me know. Especially if you live in Italy. What is going on Italy now? Remember it started in Northern Italy, and from what I can tell, there's a lot of economic and political turmoil in Italy, but that's been going on for years. We also saw that there were floods and landslides in October of 2019. Could there have been some conflict shocks there? Possibly. But truly what we're looking at is the fear. The first three people in Italy had come from Wuhan, China. People heard that. And the fear, I believe, started their conflict shocks. And it appears that quarantines help people resolve their conflict shocks. Which simply means we'll see an increase in the number of people diagnosed after governments implement limitations. The types of testing they're doing is affecting the numbers as well. What to do?? I don't think quarantine is the answer but I'm not the one in charge. Quarantine appears to put people into resolution and they'll go into the healing phase. Quarantine also isolates us, which can kick in the kidney collecting tubule program, which means we take on more water, which means our cold or bronchitis can be more complicated. I’m assuming if you’ve made it this far down the page that you know some GNM. You know that we all have to develop the tools and techniques to downgrade our own fear and our own feelings of isolation. And there's all different ways of doing that. This will be individual for everyone. Some people do it with EFT, the tapping method, or acupressure, or meditation, or by simply distracting your mind. I’m encouraging all of you to think practical:
Otherwise, I'm not really paying attention to it other than alerts I get on my phone from my county that tell me what I need to know to live here. I hear enough from my family and my neighbors, so I stay informed without being dragged into the drama of the news. And I'm truly too busy to be bothered by the hysteria. It's way too interesting being an observer of it, instead, and that is what I would encourage all of you to do.
Have normal conversations, too. Don't focus all your talk on your government or how terrible living conditions are right now.
You've probably all seen the videos of people in Italy who are singing to each other from their balconies, and that's what we need to do right now, find new ways to be together in the world.
Anyone can take them at any time, so check out my websites.
A Caution I caution about sharing German New Medicine with others at this time. The sheer mass of healing symptoms right now has created a group consciousness of fear and our governments are making changes in regard to that fear. And if you don't follow your community's guidelines, you can be ostracized. Realize that not everyone is open to hearing new ideas right now. They're in too much fear and they're trying to follow the rules because they think if they follow the rules, they'll survive. And you don't need somebody getting into your face telling you you're not following the rules, right? We don't need more isolation, especially those of us who know GNM! So, please follow the rules where you live and share compassion with everyone you encounter. Everyone's doing the best they can, and when they're overrun with fear, that is, unfortunately, the best they can do right then. If you have an opportunity to introduce GNM. Go for it but wait for that opportunity. You know GNM. By doing your best, you might appear to be a lot calmer than others who are in fear and that, in turn, may be calming to them. I do a silent "Namaste" to everyone when I see them. If I walk past them and I see a panicked look on their face that I maybe walked a little too close I say, Namaste in my head which means: The God in me acknowledges the God in you. It helps me remember to see the divine in every one of us. And that helps me to just understand their fear and acknowledge it, but not get caught up in it.
It's a new journey for each of us to discover new ways of being in the world. Thanks for reading this and thanks for being here and please keep in touch. In Joy, Andi https://www.zdnet.com/article/china-officially-launches-5g-networks-on-november-1/ https://www.gizmochina.com/2019/04/25/chinas-first-public-5g-network-goes-live-in-shenhzen/ https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20028423v1 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50258287 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy/
Nene Wood
3/28/2020 12:17:07 pm
Thank you, Andi, for your update. The community support is essential to those of us, who have been learning GNM. Godspeed to all in letting go of the FEARS!
John Patterson
4/3/2020 03:40:36 pm
like your presentations,although cannot agree with advising people to get out of their fear- tt or any other distraction technique.no don't stop the law of attraction events.by avoidance or denial distractive techniques.fear,terror-anger,rage.are capping emotions/bio-responses.whats the problem behind the problem.stay with the process,become again like a child emotionally.a child doesn't try to intellectually manage their emotions.furtively to placate their environment or their fear's.they just fully experience them.go into the fear,terror,anger,rage capping emotions.under them is the hurt and damaged self.it's usually about grief,a withdrawal of love,the casual emotion.or unhealed,unloving,error based emotional injury.see-divinetruth,message from Solomon.
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