![]() If you live in America, or any developed country right now, you know vaccines are a hot topic. From children being banned from public spaces, to "measles" outbreaks in Europe and the US, vaccines are in our news daily. I know what the proponents think, especially our public health officials and doctors: vaccines save lives and without them, we are condemning children - and adults - to unnecessary illness and even death. They are trying to save us from what they perceive is our own stupidity because they believe anyone who doesn't vaccinate their children is endangering everyone. And this all makes perfect sense if you believe microbes are the cause of illness. Opponents of vaccines cite study after study of how, historically, vaccines did NOT eradicate polio, diphtheria, whooping cough or tetanus. They believe these were on the decline due to better sanitation, cleaner water and improved living conditions which all occurred before vaccines were invented. Government health records appear to support this. Opponents also cite the long list of neurological damage done by the harmful additives in vaccines such as formaldehyde, aluminum, MSG, etc. Yep, I get it; these are not substances I want to willingly inject into my body. And I am not here to write the definitive answer to vaccines. Actually, I take that back. I am going to do just that. The Old Science; the Old Theories The whole idea of vaccines is rooted in what I call the "old science:" that microbes from outside of us invade us and cause us to have symptoms that we call "being sick." It was Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) who hypothesized this when he studied the fermentation of wine. He believed, rightly so, that the fermentation process was due to microscopic organisms (think vinegar vs wine). In the mid-1800's, he developed the theory that heat could kill the microbes and prevent fermentation and this method is what we now call "pasteurization." It was used by unscrupulous producers of milk in the late 1800's to turn dirty milk into drinkable milk. That just gives you a happy glow, doesn't it? After wine, he turned his attention to "infectious" diseases. Perhaps microbes were at the heart of those, as well? Around 1865, he studied French silkworms that were being decimated by illness and isolated a microscopic organism from them. This was all the proof he needed that microorganisms caused disease and the "germ theory" was born. That's right: it came from silkworms. Is the "germ theory" real? Let's fast forward to the 1980's & 90's to take into consideration the work of Dr. Hamer. He discovered that microbes, while present while a person has symptoms, are not the CAUSE of the illness like Pasteur assumed. Instead, the microbes have a very specific purpose and are actually assisting the person to heal. In other words, it's the opposite of Pasteur's theory that microbes cause symptoms. Dr. Hamer realized your body is more finely tuned for survival than anyone ever realized. When you have a conflict shock, physiological changes occur in your body - you grow cells or lose cells - which help you resolve that conflict. This is what Pasteur didn't realize. Then, when the shock is resolved, your body has to return to homeostasis so you go through a process to get back to balance. This is what we call "being sick," and this means your brain turns on the necessary microbes to go to work and assist you with cell breakdown (if you had grown cells) or cell proliferation (if you had lost cells). Dr. Hamer mapped out the entire brain by looking at CT scans and talking with his patients. He determined the real role of microbes such as mycobacteria (Think: tubercular bacteria....Yes, *that* TB) which break down cell growths, non-mycobacteria (think: streptococcus) that help you replenish your cells, and viruses altho there is much controversy in the medical community that they actually exist. He determined which microbes are necessary for every healing phase (illness). The most important discovery: after looking at 40,000 brain CT scans, he realized his discoveries were true 100% of the time. This means they were 100% predictable. That every living being has the same hardwiring inside them which is not a mystery. It certainly explains why people who do every "right" - they eat organic, exercise, meditate, have a strong social network, etc - get a "cancer" diagnosis or have a heart attack. Allopathic medicine can't explain this but due to Dr. Hamer's discoveries, it makes perfect sense. Basically, we can't prevent conflict shocks which means even if you're doing everything right, you'll still have the predictable healing phase. Don't get discouraged here! This is actually very good and empowering news! The important thing to remember is that Dr. Hamer discovered that every living being is programed for survival the same way: we all run the same patterns from the same shocks, we all have the microbes we turn on to assist us during the predictable healing phase. What's my point? My point is that vaccines are based on incorrect information about the body, the cause of symptoms, and the healing of the body. Pasteur drew an incorrect conclusion and now we try to make a square peg fit into a round hole with an entire system of "medicine" that has developed. How many people do you know who get the flu shot and then get the flu? I know many.....even in my own family. The hypothesis that vaccines will prevent disease is simply bad science. And it is often wrong. Just take a look at this article about a fully vaccinated person with the measles. Or this one about the measles in Massachusetts among vaccinated high schoolers. Or this one about heavily vaccinated sailors on a Navy ship who now have the mumps. Current Measles "Outbreaks" What's up with this? Dr. Hamer discovered it is the healing phase of a "separation conflict." This means, the child was separated from someone they didn't want to be separated from and it was a distressing situation. It could also be the opposite: they wanted to separate and couldn't. After the separation is resolved, the skin will have a rash in the areas that could not touch the person from whom they were separated. (Be sure to read to the end......there's a great video there.) What about all of those eradicated diseases? Oh, you mean like smallpox, leprosy, Bubonic plaque, whooping cough, diptheria, and polio? They are alive and well, however, they have different names and, since civilization has, in some ways, progressed, they aren't usually as severe as a conflict shock now which means their healing phases will be less severe. Smallpox, leprosy and the Bubonic plaque were never caused by a virus. They are the healing phase of an attack conflict (think maybe the Native Americans felt attacked as a culture?) or a disfigurement conflict (how else could leprosy have "spread?" "Don't get near me! I don't want to end up looking like you!"). The healing phase of a smaller attack conflict shock is now called "melanoma" or "shingles." Whooping cough is a territorial fear conflict for males and a scare-fright conflict for females. Nowadays, when a person has additional triggers and thus, conflict relapses, it is diagnosed as "asthma." Dr. Hamer discovered that "diptheria" is from two conflict shocks: a territorial fear conflict for males and a scare-fright conflict for females and an abandonment conflict (kidneys) which causes water retention and swelling making the whole healing phase more complicated. Nowadays we'll call this program "throat cancer" or "laryngeal cancer." Polio is very much alive and well and it was never caused by a virus. It's a conflict from feeling stuck or not being able to move. Nowadays it's known as "MS" or "ALS" or Guillian-Barre. The intensity of the conflict shock determines which label is assigned to them from a physician. A smaller conflict shock that keeps getting triggered is now called, "Parkinsons." Should you vaccinate? Vaccinates do not reduce illness, however, the placebo effect may come into play here. The "flu" is a pretty intense stink conflict ("This is lousy! I'm fed up with this!"- this is sinus related) or a territorial fear conflict which is bronchial related. If you are in the surroundings with someone with an intense flu, someone who is really sick, your fear of catching it may give you a conflict shock, that, when resolved, has the "flu" as the healing phase. This is predictable and known; it is not random, it is not a mystery how someone gets "the flu." BUT, if you've had a flu shot thinking you can't possibly "catch" this illness, then you're not going to go into fear which means you won't have a healing phase. Instead, you'll pat yourself on the back for getting that flu shot. How about this instead? Learn German New Medicine so you understand the cause of all illnesses and symptoms and thus, armed with this knowledge, you're empowered forever to downgrade and resolve your conflicts. This means your expected healing phases, your illnesses, would be minimal. And if they aren't because of a huge conflict shock you experienced, you'll know to stay out of fear and to make health choices based on this new medicine. Just know your body is always taking care of you. There is nothing to catch. Learn more about German New Medicine here. If you're still reading, congratulations! Here's an eye-opening video about Life Before the Measles Vaccine Became a Marketing Tool of Big Pharma.
Kristen Phillips
1/18/2020 12:03:30 pm
Hello~ I was hoping to see some hope on the vaccine war with my kid. I tried to hold off on them to let her body grow up a little bit before getting filled with all the poison as I call it. Would you say that they are safe to give our kiddos?
1/27/2020 07:06:03 pm
Hi Kristen,
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