How about that summer sunburn? Today's One Minute for Wellness tip discusses the impact of sunburns. Should you be worried? Will you get skin cancer? Inquiring minds want to know....
Summer is winding down yet I still see parents slathering a high SPF sunscreen on their kids and themselves so they won't get a sunburn since, let's face it, no one likes to get sunburned. It hurts when your skin is red, hot and blistering. I get it. Really, I do. Experts say that prolonged UV exposure increases damage by free radicals that reduce your skin's elastin so it appears leathery and has more wrinkles. Yep, I get this, too. I've known several older sun worshippers whose skin is definitely tanned and leathery. Experts also say that sunburns or prolonged UV exposure cause skin cancer. Hmmm....No. Not true and this is why: Almost 40 years ago, Dr. Hamer discovered that "diseases" were meaningful, biologically based "programs" that your brain controls that are designed to support your survival. They start with an unexpected shock to your psyche which is that part of your brain, nervous system & senses that interprets the world around you. The conflict shock that starts the cascade of events that allopathic medicine calls, "skin cancer," is actually one of four shocks:
These cells would be called "melanoma" by the allopathy. Once we've resolved the conflicts, these cells are broken down by microbes since they are no longer needed. All in all, it's an efficient system especially when we stay out of fear and when we resolve our conflicts quickly. Let's tie this in with the sun and this is where it gets interesting. A sunburn - one or many - can be interpreted by your psyche to be an attack against the skin. Ahhh, there it is: You get a sunburn, you think, "Ouch!" and maybe you add in a touch of fear, "Oh, no, I may get skin cancer" and instantly your psyche begins to protect you by adding extra cells to your skin. Here's what this means: The sun doesn't cause these extra cells to develop; it doesn't cause cancer. It's our innermost and unconscious interpretation of the sunburn that grows the extra cells to protect us. And for those with leathery skin? We know the sun free radical damage weakens the skin so when we experience any of the four conflicts listed above, the healing phase will be more complicated and could even result in death. Once fear enters the equation the picture changes and usually spirals downhill. That's the topic for another newsletter.... For now, does sunscreen prevent skin cancer? The CDC says new cases of "skin cancer" in the US has increased from 40,777 in 1999 to 80,442 in 2015. So, no, sunscreens don't directly prevent skin cancer because they can't prevent your psyche from experiencing attacks against the skin. They CAN prevent sunburns, though. :) Personally, I don't use chemical sunscreen. Instead, I cover up and I make sure I acclimate slowly every spring. If I haven't had time to acclimate slowly, I'll use a physical sunscreen if I can't cover up. The last time I did that was about 10 years ago..... In Health, Andi
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